280 number of increments of z0 (column position) in perple_07 this parameter is set by the 1d_path keyword in perplex_option.dat 100. zbox, box size (m) 0.35 gradient of independent variable with z (e.g. bar/m) .219680325e-5 -.2574734314e-10 .1106727779e-15 -.1630805883e-21 a0, a1, a2, a3 | for v2 = a(z0)*dz^2 + b(z0)*dz + c(z0) -.578257157e-1 .5757337815e-6 -.2372499384e-11 .3495079912e-17 b0, b1, b2, b3 | where a(z0) = a0 + a1*z0 + a2*z0^2 + a3*z0^3 168.833 .104e-1 -.408942e-7 .574476e-13 c0, c1, c2, c3 | b(z0) = b0 + b1*z0 + b2*z0^2 + b3*z0^3, etc 26163 thickness of bottommost layer (m) .21090 0.00 0.7075 0.037 0.09711 0.8666 0.0527 0.0046 0.00046 losimag peridotite + 2 % water. 5657 thickness of next layer (m) 0.083 0.0 0.903 0.140 0.097 0.304 0.194 0.020 0.001 behn & kelemen (must be molar units) + 1.5 wt % water 2828 thickness of topmost layer (m) 0.1528 0.069 0.7839 0.157 0.1434 0.167 0.2365 0.0345 0.0063 staudigel (must be molar units) 0 zero thickness layer indicates end of data. ##################### COMMENTS BELOW HERE ##################################################### if more than one lithology is entered, the molar compositions must define a comparable volume or mass. (the values used in this example are for constant volume at ~600 K/30 kbar). the data for geothermal condition is a fit to the ruepke et al (2004, EPSL) model for a 40 ma slab age and a subduction rate of 10 cm/y. the fit was obtained by fitting three geotherms at constant within-slab depth (dz = 0, 8, 25 km), the conditions along these geotherms where used to compute the coefficients for a quadratic function for temperature as in the maple worksheet t_z_10ma_10cm.mws t(k) = (-.1630805883e-21*z0m^3+.2196803250e-5-.2574734314e-10*z0m+.1106727779e-15*z0m^2)*dzm^2 +(-.5782571570e-1+.5757337815e-6*z0m+.3495079912e-17*z0m^3-.2372499384e-11*z0m^2)*dzm +.5744760000e-13*z0m^3+168.8330000+.1040000000e-1*z0m-.4089420000e-7*z0m^2