Gridded Minimization with PERPLE_X




Schematic Figure

Multi-Level Grid and Compression Strategy: BUILD Prompts

Turning Compression Off





The basis of the optimization strategy used within Perple_X is the pseudocompound approximation. In this approximation, each solution phase is represented by a series of stoichiometric compounds (pseudocompounds) that descretize the possible composition of the solution (Connolly & Kerrick 1987, Connolly 1990, Connolly & Petrini 2002). Because of this approximation, the continuous phase fields of a pseudosection (or any other phase diagram derivative) are also discretized, a representation referred to as a “polygonalized” phase diagram section (Fig 1a, Connolly & Petrini 2002). Polygonalized phase diagram sections can be computed by two methods within Perple_X, the method is specified by the users response to the BUILD prompt:


Specify computational mode:
     1 - Unconstrained minimization [default]
     2 - Constrained minimization on a grid
     3 - Output pseudocompound data
     4 - Phase fractionation calculations


The default mode [1] (Connolly & Petrini 2002) essentially consists of tracing the edges of each field of a polygonalized pseudosection (Fig 1a). The alternative mode [2] is gridded minimization (Fig 1d). In gridded minimization the polygonalized pseudosection is mapped from free energy minimizations done on a 1- or 2-dimensional grid, whereby the stable assemblage determined at each grid point is assumed to be stable over the area associated with the grid point.


Each mode has features that makes it preferable for certain problems, for preliminary calculations I prefer gridded minimization because it is simpler to use and can be run at low resolution to provide rough results quickly. Other pros and cons of the default mode (unconstrained minimization) vs gridded minimization are:


·        The default mode requires the program POLYGON, this program is difficult to compile on anything other than a PC, and is therefore not available to most Mac and UNIX users.


·        Gridded minimization can be used to compute pseudosections as a function of any variable of the system, most notably it can be used to compute phase diagram sections as a function of the bulk composition of the system. The default mode can only be used to compute (at least explicitly) sections as a function of a systems environmental variables.


·        In the default mode VERTEX may not be able to trace all the edges of a polygon resulting in a data-less hole in the section (see the pseudosection tutorial). Such holes are extraordinarily rare with gridded minimization.


·        Gridded minimization may be run with very large numbers of pseudocompounds (>106), so it is possible to resolve phase compositions more accurately. In principle this is possible with unconstrained minimization as well, but it involves changing more parameters.


·        Properties such as density or enthalpy vary continuously within each polygonal field of a pseudosection, such variations are estimated in WERAMI from low order derivatives. In the default mode, this estimation may become inaccurate if the polygonal fields of a diagram are large. In gridded minimization, the extent of extrapolation is limited by the grid spacing. Thus when such properties are of interest gridded minimization is preferable. To further minimize extrapolation errors, the compression strategy (detailed below) used by VERTEX should be turned off.


·        Gridded minimization compounds the error associated with the polygonalization of a pseudosection, because the polygonalized phase diagram is resolved with the finite accuracy of the grid. The default mode computes the polygonalized diagram exactly (for practical purposes).


·        The gridded minimization strategy cannot distinguish univariant and invariant phase fields from small lower variance phase fields. The default mode can, in principle, make these distinctions, but it may make erroneous assignments because of the pseudocompound approximation.



Schematic polygonalized pseudosectionFigure 1: a) Schematic polygonalized phase diagram section as would be computed with the default mode for pseudosection calculations in VERTEX. b) The grid defined for gridded minimization by the parameter choice JLOW = 4, JLEV = 3, and XLOOP = 17. The filled circles define the lowest level of the grid, the open circles represent grid points that are activated only if changes occur between adjacent nodes of the low level grid. c) Filled points indicate the 107 grid points (out of the total of 289 points possible in b) that would be activated during gridded minimization of the polygonalized pseudosection (in a), the 41 lightly shaded points would be discarded during compression. d) The final pseudosection as reconstructed from the 66 grid points retained after compression.


The Multi-Level Grid, BUILD Prompts, and Compression Strategy


VERTEX uses a 1-dimensional multi-level mapping strategy to compute pseudosections. This strategy begins with the calculation of phase relations on a low resolution grid, if phase relations change between two nodes of the low resolution grid, the location of the phase boundary is then refined by bisection until the highest resolution of the grid is achieved. This procedure is currently implemented in only one direction (i.e., along the Y-axis), thus the grid spacing in the orthogonal direction must be chosen to give the maximum resolution required. The parameters for that define the grid are entered by the user in BUILD through the following dialog:



Select grid refinement mode:
     1 - Refine only true phase boundaries [default].
     2 - Refine all phase boundaries.

This prompt determines what features will be resolved at the highest level of resolution. Mode 2 should always be used if the properties of the stable phases within the various fields of the diagram are of interest. With reference to the polygonalized pseudosection of Fig 1a, all the curves of the pseudosection with the exception of the pseudounivariant fields b3 = a + b4 and b2 = b1 + g, are true phase boundaries. The pseudounivariant fields b3 = a + b4 and b2 = b1 + g are not true phase boundaries because the lie within the true divariant fields of a + b and b + g, these boundaries are important if, for example, the user wishes to know the composition of b as a function of pressure and temperature, but they are unimportant if the user is only concerned with determining the pressure-temperature conditions over which the various true phase assemblages are stable.

The resolution of the y-axis grid is determined by the number of
levels (JLEV) and the resolution at the lowest level (JLOW), such
that the maximum resolution is equivalent to that obtained on a
single level grid with (1+(JLOW-1)*2**(JLEV-1))**2 nodes. To force
VERTEX to use a single level grid, set JLEV=1 and set JLOW equal
to the number of nodes along the y-axis of the grid.
Enter lowest resolution (JLOW) for the grid (2<JLOW<1024) [default = 10]:

JLOW is the minimum number of regularly spaced nodes along the vertical axis. The danger of using the lowest value possible (2) is that a phase field that protrudes into a larger phase field will not be identified if the protrusion occurs between two nodes of the low resolution grid at which the larger field is stable. There is no rule for the best choice of JLOW as it depends on the scale of the diagram and the heterogeneity of its phase fields. I generally use values between 10 and 25.


The value chosen here gives the nodes along the vertical axis depicted by the large filled circles in Fig 1b. VERTEX establishes the stable phases of the system at every point of the low resolution grid.

Enter the number of levels (JLEV) for the grid (0<JLEV<10) [default = 5]:

The value specified here determines the highest resolution of the grid, i.e. (YmaxYmin)/(JLOW – 1)(JLEV-1). All features that change between two grid points at the lowest resolution of the grid are resolved at this level of resolution. Specifying 3 here creates a grid with two sub levels indicated by the medium and small open circles in Fig 1b. Fig 1c shows the high resolution grid points that would be tested by VERTEX as a result of the grid refinement strategy. With reference to the example of Fig 1, VERTEX would begin by calculating phase relations at the lowest level of resolution by incrementing pressure at the lowest temperature. The phase relations would change at this level at the last grid point due to the univariant field a + g = b4, this change would cause VERTEX to calculate the stable assemblage on the grid at the next level of resolution half between the last two nodes of the low resolution grid. At this intermediate grid point the assemblage is the same as at the last grid point of the low resolution grid, therefore VERTEX “knows” that the phase boundary must be located below the intermediate grid point and activates the grid point at the highest level of resolution so that the univariant field a + g = b4 is located with an accuracy corresponding to the finest spacing of the grid.



These parameters define a multilevel grid equivalent to a regular
grid with 17 nodes in the y-direction, change the parameters (y/n)?
Specify the number of grid nodes in the x-direction [<1024 default = 17,
the maximum resolution in the y-direction]:

The grid spacing in the x-direction is constant (i.e., a single level grid) and can be specified independently of the gridding in the y-direction. By default BUILD sets the x-resolution equal to the maximum resolution in the y-direction.





The multilevel grid strategy can result in a substantial reduction in the number of minimizations necessary to map the phase fields of a pseudosection, but despite this many of the minimizations are redundant. This is evident from consideration of the first column of the grid in Fig 1c; where although VERTEX would do eight minimizations in this column (the filled grid points), the phase relations can be established from the stable assemblage at the base of the column and the grid points on either side of the phase field boundary a + g = b4. To reduce the size of output files, by default VERTEX discards any data obtained at grid points that are not necessary to define the stable phase relations of the diagram (i.e., the shaded points in Fig 1c). For the example in Figure 1, this compression reduces the total number of grid points to 66 out of the total of 289 theoretically possible and 107 actually used. The final pseudosection that would be obtained from this data with PSVDRAW (Fig 1d) is much coarser than the polygonalized phase diagram that would be obtained by the default mode (Fig 1a). However, it is possible to use such fine grids in practice that there is little difference between pseudosections constructed by either method.


Turning Compression Off



Physical properties such as density and seismic velocities may vary continuously within each polygonal element of a polygonalized pseudosection. Normally this variation is estimated in WERAMI (the program used to recover this information) by extrapolation from the retained grid points assuming the first, and for some properties higher order derivatives, of the property of interest are constant within the relevant polygonal field. In some instances, particularly when a single polygonal field spans a large pressure or temperature interval, this means of estimation may lead to significant errors (such errors are usually manifest by irregular variation across what should be a continuous phase field).  To minimize such complications, compression can be turned off in VERTEX so that physical properties are sampled and output at relatively regular intervals. To turn compression off, the user must modify the input file created by BUILD so that the line:


1 JTEST, debug flag




3 JTEST, debug flag