| comments are indicated by the | character. | check for warnings at the end of the header section. Holland & Powell, JMG 2011 (TC-DS633, 23 Jun,2017) + additional data |<= data base title begin_standard_variables |<= name (<9 characters), reference value, tolerance P(bar) 1.00 0.1E-3 T(K) 298.15 0.1E-4 Y(CO2) 0.00 0.1E-6 mu(C1) 0.00 0.1E-2 mu(C2) 0.00 0.1E-2 end_standard_variables tolerance -.1E-2 |<= DTOL for unconstrained minimization, energy units HSC_conversion |<= tag enabling HSC to SUP apparent energy conversion, requires elemental entropies in the component list below begin_components | < 6 chars, molar weight (g), elemental entropy (R) Na 22.9898 51.3000 Mg 24.3045 32.6800 Al 26.9812 28.3500 Si 28.0850 18.8100 K 39.0983 64.6800 Ca 40.0775 41.6300 Ti 47.8670 30.7200 Mn 54.9375 32.2200 Fe 55.8445 27.2800 Ni 58.6935 29.8000 Zr 91.2210 39.1800 Cl2 70.9060 223.0800 O2 31.9990 205.1500 H2 2.0155 130.6800 C 12.0110 5.7400 Cu 63.5455 33.1500 Cr 51.9958 25.5430 S2 64.1300 64.1000 F2 37.9968 202.7900 N2 28.0130 191.6100 end_components begin_makes | the make definitions segment of the thermodynamic | data file is preceded by the "begin_makes" keyword, | and terminated by the "end_makes" keyword. Within | this segment comments must be preceded by a "|" | character. | the make definitions define new thermodynamic entities | (e.g., fO2 buffers, endmembers etc) as a linear combination of | the "real" entities in the thermodynamic file. the definition | includes a "DQF" correction that is used to increment the | G of the linearly combined G's as a function of pressure and | temperature, i.e., the total G computed for a made entity is | the G of the right-hand-side of the make reaction + Gdqf. | the format assumes data on one line of less than 240 characters, | the expected format is | name = num_1 * name_1 + num_2 * name_2 ....+ num_int * name_int | dnum_1 dnum_2 dnum_3 | where i num_j is a number or fraction (i.e., two numbers separated | by a '/') and name_j are the names of the j existing entities. | and the dqf correction to the entity 'name' is | Gdqf(J/mol) = dnum_1 + T[K]*dnum_2 + P[bar]*dnum_3 | made entities are excluded from calculations in vertex if they | are included in the excluded phase list in the computational option | file (e.g., "in"); however, real entities to the right of the equals | sign in a make definition are not effected by the excluded phase list. | for example, if qL (liquid silica) is excluded, the make definition | q8L = 4 qL | will function, but qL will not be considered as a possible phase. | kyco silica buffer | kyco = 1 ky - 1 cor | 0 0 0 | sphene + cc + ru + q CO2 buffer | tcrq = 1 cc + 1 ru + 1 q - 1 sph | 0. 0. 0. | Ti phengite endmember for Auzanneau et al. (CMP 159:1-24, 2010) mica model | Gdqf corrected from -482876. to -13469.8 J/mol, D. Dolejs, Mar 6, 2010. | tip = 1 fcel + 1 geik - 1/2 fs | -13469.8 -14.694 .84 | mthm = 6 hem - 4 mt | mthm O2 buffer | 0 | qfm = 2 mt + 3 q -3 fa | qfm O2 buffer | 0 |emog = -1 fo - 2 gph + 1 mag + 1/2 en | EMOG O2 buffer |0 |ffm = -6 fa + 3 fs + 2 mt | ffm O2 buffer |0 |fff = 2 fa - 2 iron - 1 fs | iron fa fs O2 buffer |0 | tbi = 1 phl - 1 fo + 1 ru + 1 q | Ti-biotite endmember for TiBio(HP) model | 45e3 | tbi1 = 1 phl - 1 br + 1 ru | Ti-biotite endmember for TiBio(WPH) model | 78e3 | L Tajcamanova, 5/11/2006. | fbi = 1 east - 1/2 cor + 1/2 hem | Fe3+-biotite endmember for TiBio(WPH) model, definition corrected for | | presumed typo in the WPH (JMG, 2007) paper by L Tajcamanova, 5/11/2007. | 13.45e3 | fbi = 1 east - 1/2 cor + 1 hem, 8/10/2007, L Tajcamanova | Fe endmembers for ultramafic mineral solution | models, based on the talc Fe-Mg exchange. fbr = 1 br - 1/3 ta + 1/3 fta DQF(J/mol) = 0 fchum = 1 chum - 3 ta + 3 fta DQF(J/mol) = 0 fphA = 1 phA - 7/3 ta + 7/3 fta DQF(J/mol) = 0 fatg = 1 atg - 16 ta + 16 fta DQF(J/mol) = 0 atgts = 4 clin + 9/17 atg - 24/17 br | Tshermaks antigorite for Atg(PN) model (Padr�n-Navarta et al., 2013, Lithos) DQF = -2e3 + 46.1*T_K | ettore's makes: | odo = 1/2 mag 1/2 cc | -1000. 0 0 | oank = 1/4 sid 1/2 cc 1/4 mag | -750 0 0 | odo = 1/2 mag + 1/2 cc | ordered dolmite species for H&P dolomite model | -13.5d3 | Green et al (2007) omphacite model, ds6 acm_dqf = 1 acm DQF(J/mol) = -7000 | Diener et al. (JMG, 2007) clinoamphibole model mrb = 1 gl - 2 jd +2 acm | magnesio riebekite, ds6, 3/7/18 JADC DQF(J/mol) = 0 ts_dqf = 1 ts | tschermakite DQF(J/mol) = 10000 parg_dqf = 1 parg | pargasite, ds6, 3/7/18 JADC DQF(J/mol) = -10000 gl_dqf = 1 gl | glaucophane, ds6, 3/7/18 JADC DQF(J/mol) = -3000 cumm_dqf = 1 cumm | ds6, 3/7/18 JADC DQF(J/mol) = 0 grun_dqf = 1 grun | ds6, 3/7/18 JADC DQF(J/mol) = -3000 | revised (Diener et al, JMG 2011 25:631-656) ortho-amphibole model. Oct 31, 2011. ogl_dqf = 1 gl | ortho-glaucophane DQF(J/mol) = 15000. fanth_dq = 1 fanth | ferro-anthophyllite DQF(J/mol) = 7000 omrb_dqf = 1 gl -2 jd +2 acm | ortho-magnesio riebekite (mrb dqf + 25000 J/mol), stoichiometry corrected 3/30/08 JADC DQF(J/mol) = 33000 mpa = 1 parg - 1 tr +1 anth DQF(J/mol) = 25d3 ged_dqf = 1 ged DQF(J/mol) = 20000 | make definition for coma of the unpublished | thermocalc scapolite model coma = 3 ab + 1 cc DQF(J/mol) = 25000. tbit = 1 phl - 1 br + 1 ru |Ti-Fe3+ Biotite after Tajcmanova et al. (2009) DQF(J/mol) = 84e3 -11.5 0 |Model entered by Lucie Tajcmanova, September, 2008. fbit = 1 east - 1/2 cor + 1/2 hem |Ti-Fe3+ Biotite after Tajcmanova et al. (2009) DQF(J/mol) = 6e3 0 0 | Make definitions for the Smye et al (JMG, 2011, 28:753-768) | models for Mica, Carpholite and Chloritoid, to use these | make definitions delete the leading "|" comment characters: ocar = 1 fcar + 1/2 hem - 1/2 cor DQF(J/mol) = 45d3 mncar = 1 mcar + 1 mang - 1 per | corrected from 1 mcar + 1 mang - 1/2 cor, G Hoschek, 10/24/11. DQF(J/mol) = 30d3 ma_dqf = 1 ma DQF(J/mol) = 3d3 | Make definition for the White et al (JMG, 2005) garnet, Gt(WPPH), JADC, 10/24/11. kho = 1 py - 1 gr + 1 andr DQF(J/mol) = 40d3 0 0 | Make definitions for the White et al (JMG, 2000) ilmenite, Ilm(WHP), JADC, 10/29/11. | Corrected coeffiecients for TC un-landau, formerly, the TC DQF was used without | modification. NOTE: the ilm and ilm_nol endmembers must be excluded from calculations | with the Ilm(WPH) model and the ilm_nol, oilm and dilm must be excluded from calculations | without the Ilm(WPH) model. JADC, 6/19/11. dilm = 1 ilm_nol | 1993 -2.1 0 => the TC DQF coeffecients, the values below are | oilm + {DH,R*ln(4),0} DQF(J/mol) = 17043.57559 -13.11797099 .1836386612e-1 dhem = 1 hem_nol DQF(J/mol) = 9.5228d3 -12.9377 T_K | Make definitions for Kelsey & Powell (JMG, 2011) Zr melting relations. JADC, 2/6/12 zr8L = 2 zrc | Zr-melt endmember DQF(J/mol) = 69e3 zrg = 1 gr + 3 zrc - 6 q | Zr garnet endmember DQF(J/mol) = 96e3 0.165e3 2.7 zrru = 1 bdy | Zr rutile endmember 52.84e3 -0.01829e3 -0.074 mots = 1 mgts - 1/2 cor + 1/2 hem | ferric opx endmember MgFe3+AlSiO6 for Opx(HP) 22d3 0 0 | Make definitions for White et al. (JMG 32:261-286, 2014) models f3clin = 1 clin - 1/2 gr + 1/2 andr DQF(J/mol) = 2d3 0 0 kho1 = 1 py - 1 gr + 1 andr DQF(J/mol) = 27d3 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Generic 8-oxygen HP liquid endmembers. Because | these occur in many melts models they are created | here with a nominal DQF, the true model specific | DQF must be added in the solution model. JADC 2/2024 sil8L = 8/5 silL DQF(J/mol) = -10 | a small DQF added to stabilize the made endmember fo8L = 2 foL DQF(J/mol) = -10 | a small DQF added to stabilize the made endmember fa8L = 2 faL DQF(J/mol) = -10 | a small DQF added to stabilize the made endmember q8L = 4 qL DQF(J/mol) = -10 | a small DQF added to stabilize the made endmember wi8L = 2 wiL DQF(J/mol) = -10 | a small DQF added to stabilize the made endmember |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fmu = 1 mu + 1/2 andr - 1/2 gr DQF(J/mol) = 25d3 ma1_dqf = 1 ma DQF(J/mol) = 6.5d3 ctdo = 1 mctd + 1/4 andr - 1/4 gr DQF(J/mol) = 25d3 msto = 1 andr -1 gr + 1 mst DQF(J/mol) = 9d3 mstt = 1 mst - 1 cor +3/2 ru DQF(J/mol) = 13d3 mots1 = 1 mgts + 1/2 andr - 1/2 gr DQF(J/mol) = 2d3 tbi = 1 phl - 1 br + 1 ru | Ti-biotite endmember for Bi(W) model DQF(J/mol) = 55e3 fbi = 1 east - 1/2 gr + 1/2 andr | Fe3+-biotite endmember for Bi(W) model DQF(J/mol) = -3e3 ospr = 1/2 andr - 1/2 gr + 1 spr5 DQF(J/mol) = -16d3 mnopx = 2 pxmn | Mn endmember for Opx(W) model DQF(J/mol) = 6680 | Make definitions for Jennings and Holland, J Pet, 56:869-892, 2015 Cpx cfs = 1 fs DQF(J/mol) = 3.8d3 -3 0.03 crdi = 1 cats + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -3d3 cess = 1 cats + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -6d3 cenjh = 1 en DQF(J/mol) = 3.5d3 - 2 * T_K + 0.048 * p_bar | Make definitions for Jennings and Holland, J Pet, 56:869-892, 2015 Opx cren = 1 mgts + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = 3d3 oen = 1 mgts + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -15d3 + 0.15 * p_bar |odi = 1 di | DQF(J/mol) = -100 + 0.211 * T + 0.005 * P | dqf_T corrected from 2.11, ECRG 9/18 odi = 1 di | prior to 13/7/20: -100 + 0.211 * T + 0.005 * P | updated by ECRG, 13/7/20 DQF = 2800 + 0.005 * P | changed from DQF = 1900 + 0.005 * P by DB to match ECRG 10/20 revision | Make definitions for Jennings and Holland, J Pet, 56:869-892, 2015 melt qjL = 2 qL DQF(J/mol) = 4d3 - 0.43 * p_bar dijL = 1 diL DQF(J/mol) = -6.7d3 + 0.17 * p_bar jdjL = 1 abL - 1 qL | corrected 3/18/16, Oliver Shortle DQF(J/mol) = 18.7d3 - 0.16 * p_bar ctjL = 1 anL - 1 qL | corrected 3/18/16, Oliver Shortle DQF(J/mol) = 2.5d3 + 0.29 * p_bar fojL = 1 foL DQF(J/mol) = 2d3 - 0.03 * p_bar fajL = 1 faL DQF(J/mol) = -2.5d3 + 0.18 * p_bar hmjL = 0.5 hemL DQF(J/mol) = 0 + 0.20 * p_bar ekjL = 0.5 eskL DQF(J/mol) = 21d3 | Make definitions for Green et al., JMG, 2016 clinoamphibole mrbG = 1 gl - 1 gr + 1 andr DQF = 0 kprg = 1 mu - 1 pa + 1 parg DQF = -7060 + 20 * T_K tts = -2 dsp + 2 ru + 1 ts DQF = 95000 | Make definitions for Green et al., JMG, 2016 augite (clinopyroxene) cfsg = 1 fs DQF = 2100 - 2 * T + 0.045 * P | Make definitions for Holland et al., 2013; dx.doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egt035 | mantle mineralogical model. nacfb = 1 nacf DQF(J/mol) = -9000 mfpv = 1 fpv DQF(J/mol) = -9500 mcpv = 1 cpv DQF(J/mol) = 60000 mnpv = 1 npv DQF(J/mol) = 16000 cmpv = 1 mpv DQF(J/mol) = 35000 cfpv = 1 fpv DQF(J/mol) = 24000 capv = 1 apv DQF(J/mol) = 45000 cnpv = 1 npv DQF(J/mol) = 25000 fcor = 1 mcor + 1 fak - 1 mak | FeSi corundum DQF(J/mol) = -15d3 hmgts = 1 mgts + 1 hen - 1 en DQF(J/mol) = -1d3 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Make definitions for Holland et al., JPet, 2018 (HGP models) |--------------------------- Gt tig = 1 py + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru - 1/2 cor DQF(J/mol) = 46.7d3 - 17.3 * T |--------------------------- Sp isp = 1 nsp DQF(J/mol) = 23.6d3 - 5.76303 * T iherc = 1 nherc DQF(J/mol) = 23.6d3 - 5.76303 * T imt = 1 mt | changed to 30000 Aug 11, 2020, reverted to | original value, DB, Dec 2, 2020. DQF(J/mol) = 300 |--------------------------- Cpx cessh = 1 cats + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF = -3450 crdih = 1 cats + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF = -4900 mcbuf = 1 cats + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru -1/2 cor | corrected from -1750 ... 10/22/2019, Lisa Rummel, Mainz DQF = -16.2d3 - 1.2 * T - 0.005 * P | changed from DQF = 1750 - 1.2 * T - 0.005 * P by DB to match 10/20 ECRG revision kjdh = 1 jd + 1 san - 1 abh DQF = 11.7d3 + 0.6 * P | changed from DQF = -3750 + 1.189 * P by DB to match 10/20 ECRG revision |--------------------------- Opx, odi as in JH crenh = 1 mgts + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF = -25900 + 15.5 * T + 0.05 * P obuf = 1 mgts + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru - 1/2 cor DQF = -5000 - 5.1 * T - 0.0061 * P |changed from DQF = 3350 - 5.1 * T - 0.0061 * Pby DB to match 10/20 ECRG revision macm = 1 mgts + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF = 4800 - 0.089 * P ojd = 1 jd DQF = 18800 |--------------------------- high-density silicate melt, updated from the published | values to the values given in the TC files. JADC April 23, 2019. foHL = 2 foL dqf = 8.67d3 - 0.131*Pbar faHL = 2 faL dqf = 13.7d3 - 0.055*Pbar qHL = 4 qL dqf = 0.22d3 - 0.059*Pbar jdL = 1 abL - 1 qL dqf = 12.19d3 - 0.089*Pbar hmL = 1/2 hemL dqf = 3.3d3 - 0.032*Pbar ekL = 1/2 eskL dqf = 24.85d3 + 0.245*Pbar tiL = 1 ruL dqf = 5.58d3 - 0.489*Pbar kjL = 1 kspL - 1 qL dqf = 11.98d3 - 0.210*Pbar |--------------------------- low-density silicate-rich fluid/melt, updated from the published | values to the values given in the TC files. JADC April 23, 2019. foWL = 2 foL dqf = 8.59d3 - 0.136*Pbar faWL = 2 faL dqf = 13.56d3 - 0.052*Pbar qWL = 4 qL dqf = 2.1d3 - 0.051*Pbar jdWL = 1 abL - 1 qL dqf = 12.32d3 - 0.099*Pbar kWL = 1 kspL - 1 qL dqf = 12.88d3 - 0.227*Pbar hmWL = 1/2 hemL dqf = 4.05d3 - 0.077*Pbar ekWL = 1/2 eskL dqf = 24.75d3 + 0.245*Pbar tiWL = 1 ruL dqf = 5.6d3 - 0.489*Pbar |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Make definitions for Tomlinson and Holland; JPet, 2021 (TH models) | Entered by Debaditya Bandyopadhyay, JADC 9/22 |--------------------------- Melt qTHL = 3 qL DQF(J/mol) = 0.47d3 - 0.078*Pbar foTHL = 2 foL DQF(J/mol) = 9.73d3 - 0.176*Pbar faTHL = 2 faL DQF(J/mol) = 16.52d3 - 0.034*Pbar neTHL = 1 abL - 2 qL DQF(J/mol) = 33.11d3 + 0.306*Pbar hmTHL = 1/2 hemL DQF(J/mol) = 3.76d3 - 0.027*Pbar ekTHL = 1/2 eskL DQF(J/mol) = 24.98d3 + 0.170*Pbar tiTHL = 1 ruL DQF(J/mol) = 0.42d3 - 0.257*Pbar kjTHL = 1 kspL - 1 qL DQF(J/mol) = 22.93d3 + 0.292*Pbar |--------------------------- Spinel | iherc and imt as in Sp(HGP) ispTH = 1 nsp DQF(J/mol) = 23.5d3 - 5.76303 * T |--------------------------- Garnet tigTH = 1 py + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru - 1/2 cor DQF(J/mol) = 53.5d3 - 17.3 * T |--------------------------- Opx | odi as in Opx(HGP) crenTH = 1 mgts + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -31850 + 15.5 * T + 0.05 * P obufTH = 1 mgts + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru - 1/2 cor DQF(J/mol) = 4350 - 5.1 * T - 0.0061 * P macmTH = 1 mgts + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = 2630 - 0.089 * P ojdTH = 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = 18840 - 0.043 * P |--------------------------- Cpx | cenjh, cfsg as in Cpx(HGP) cessTH = 1 cats + 1 acm - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -5810 crdiTH = 1 cats + 1 kos - 1 jd DQF(J/mol) = -5660 mcbufTH = 1 cats + 1/2 per + 1/2 ru -1/2 cor DQF(J/mol) = -6.47d3 - 1.2 * T + 0.078 * P kjdTH = 1 jd + 1 san - 1 abh DQF(J/mol) = -4d3 + 1.35 * P end_makes Notation (incomplete and NOT alphabetical!) Entity Symbol Formula akermanite ak Ca2MgSi2O7 almandine alm Fe3Al2Si3O12 andalusite and Al2SiO5 andradite andr Ca3Fe2Si3O12 clinohumite chum Mg9Si4O16(OH)2 clinozoisite cz Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) cordierite crd Mg2Al4Si5O18 epidote(ordered) ep Ca2FeAl2Si3O12(OH) fayalite fa Fe2SiO4 Fe-chloritoid fctd FeAl2SiO5(OH)2 Fe-cordierite fcrd Fe2Al4Si5O18 Fe-epidote fep Ca2Fe2AlSi3O12(OH) Fe-osumilite fosm KFe2Al5Si10O30 Fe-staurolite fst Fe4Al18Si7.5O48H4 forsterite fo Mg2SiO4 gehlenite geh Ca2Al2SiO7 grossular gr Ca3Al2Si3O12 hydrouscordierite hcrd Mg2Al4Si5O18H2O hydroxy-topaz tpz Al2SiO4(OH)2 kyanite ky Al2SiO5 larnite-bredigite larn Ca2SiO4 lawsonite law CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2H2O merwinite merw Ca3MgSi2O8 Mg-chloritoid mctd MgAl2SiO5(OH)2 Mg-staurolite mst Mg4Al18Si7.5O48H4 Mn-chloritoid mnctd MnAl2SiO5(OH)2 Mn-cordierite mncrd Mn2Al4Si5O18 Mn-staurolite mnst Mn4Al18Si7:5O48H4 monticellite mont CaMgSiO4 osumilite(1) osm1 KMg2Al5Si10O30 osumilite(2) osm2 KMg3Al3Si11O30 phase A phA Mg7Si2O8(OH)6 pumpellyite pump Ca4MgAl5Si6O21(OH)7 pyrope py Mg3Al2Si3O12 rankinite rnk Ca3Si2O7 sillimanite sill Al2SiO5 spessartine spss Mn3Al2Si3O12 sphene sph CaTiSiO5 spurrite spu Ca5Si2O8(CO3) tephroite teph Mn2SiO4 tilleyite ty Ca5Si2O7(CO3)2 vesuvianite vsv Ca19Mg2Al11Si18O69(OH)9 zircon zrc ZrSiO4 zoisite zo Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) acmite acm NaFeSi2O6 Ca-tschermaks pyroxene cats CaAl2SiO6 Diopside di CaMgSi2O6 enstatite en Mg2Si2O6 ferrosilite fs Fe2Si2O6 hedenbergite hed CaFeSi2O6 jadeite jd NaAlSi2O6 mg-tschermak mgts MgAl2SiO6 pseudowollastonite pswo CaSiO3 pyroxmangite pxmn MnSiO3 rhodonite rhod MnSiO3 wollastonite wo CaSiO3 anthophyllite anth Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 cummingtonite cumm Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 Fe-anthophyllite fanth Fe7Si8O22(OH)2 Fe-glaucophane fgl Na2Fe3Al2Si8O22(OH)2 ferroactinolite ftr Ca2Fe5Si8O22(OH)2 gedrite(Na-free) ged Mg5Al4Si6O22(OH)2 glaucophane gl Na2Mg3Al2Si8O22(OH)2 grunerite grun Fe7Si8O22(OH)2 pargasite parg NaCa2Mg4Al3Si6O22(OH)2 riebeckite rieb Na2Fe5Si8O22(OH)2 tremolite tr Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 tschermakite ts Ca2Mg3Al4Si6O22(OH)2 deerite deer Fe18Si12O40(OH)10 fe-carpholite fcar FeAl2Si2O6(OH)4 fe-sapphirine(793) fspr Fe3.5Al9Si1.5O20 mg-carpholite mcar MgAl2Si2O6(OH)4 sapphirine(442) spr4 Mg4Al8Si2O20 sapphirine(793) spr7 Mg3.5Al9Si1.5O20 annite ann KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2 celadonite cel KMgAlSi4O10(OH)2 eastonite east KMg2Al3Si2O10(OH)2 Fe-celadonite fcel KFeAlSi4O10(OH)2 margarite ma CaAl4Si2O10(OH)2 Mn-biotite mnbi KMn3AlSi3O10(OH)2 muscovite mu KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Na-phlogopite naph NaMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 paragonite pa NaAl3Si3O10(OH)2 phlogopite phl KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 Al-free chlorite afchl Mg6Si4O10(OH)8 amesite(14Ang) ames Mg4Al4Si2O10(OH)8 clinochlore(ordered) clin Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 daphnite daph Fe5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 Fe-sudoite fsud Fe2Al4Si3O10(OH)8 Mn-chlorite mnchl Mn5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 Sudoite sud Mg2Al4Si3O10(OH)8 antigorite atg Mg48Si34O85(OH)62 chrysotile chr Mg3Si2O5(OH)2 Fe-talc fta Fe3Si4O10(OH)2 Kaolinite kao Al2Si2O5(OH)4 prehnite pre Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2 pyrophyllite prl Al2Si4O10(OH)2 talc ta Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 tschermak-talc tats Mg2Al2Si3O10(OH)2 albite ab NaAlSi3O8 analcite anl NaAlSi2O6H2O anorthite an CaAl2Si2O8 coesite coe SiO2 cristobalite crst SiO2 heulandite heu CaAl2Si7O186H2O highalbite abh NaAlSi3O8 kalsilite kals KAlSiO4 laumontite lmt CaAl2Si4O124H2O leucite lc KAlSi2O6 meionite me Ca4Al6Si6O24(CO3) microcline mic KAlSi3O8 nepheline ne NaAlSiO4 quartz q SiO2 sanidine san KAlSi3O8 stilbite stlb CaAl2Si7O187H2O stishovite stv SiO2 tridymite trd SiO2 wairakite wrk CaAl2Si4O12H2O3 baddeleyite bdy ZrO2 corundum cor Al2O3 geikielite geik MgTiO3 hematite hem Fe2O3 hercynite herc FeAl2O4 ilmenite ilm FeTiO3 lime lime CaO magnesioferrite mft MgFe2O4 magnetite mt Fe3O4 manganosite mang MnO nickel oxide NiO periclase per MgO pyrophanite pnt MnTiO3 rutile ru TiO2 spinel sp MgAl2O4 ulvospinel usp Fe2TiO4 brucite br Mg(OH)2 diaspore dsp AlO(OH) goethite gth FeO(OH) ankerite ank CaFe(CO3)2 aragonite arag CaCO3 calcite cc CaCO3 dolomite dol CaMg(CO3)2 magnesite mag MgCO3 rhodochrosite rhc MnCO3 siderite sid FeCO3 diamond diam C graphite gph C iron iron Fe nickel Ni Ni carbon dioxide CO2 carbon monoxide CO hydrogen H2 methane CH4 oxygen O2 water fluid H2O albite liquid abL NaAlSi3O8 anorthite liquid anL CaAl2Si2O8 diopside liquid diL CaMgSi2O6 enstatite liquid enL Mg2Si2O6 fayalite liquid faL Fe2SiO4 Fe-liquid (in KFMASH) fliq K3Fe5Al4Si19:5O47 Forsterite liquid foL Mg2SiO4 H2O liquid h2oL H2O H2O liquid (in KFMASH) hliq H2O K-feldspar liquid kspL KAlSi3O8 Mg liquid (in KFMASH) mliq K3Mg5Al4Si19:5O47 Silica liquid qL SiO2 Sillimanite liquid silL Al2SiO5 H+(aq) H+ Cl(aq) Cl- OH(aq) OH- Na+(aq) Na+ K+(aq) K+ Ca2+(aq) Ca++ Mg2+(aq) Mg++ Fe2+(aq) Fe++ Al3+(aq) Al+++ CO3--(aq) CO3 Al(OH)3(aq) AlOH3 Al(OH)4----(aq) AlOH4- KOH(aq) KOH HCl(aq) HCL KCl(aq) KCL NaCl(aq) NaCl CaCl(aq) CaCl2 CaCl+(aq) CaCl+ MgCl2(aq) MgCl2 MgCl+(aq) MgCl FeCl(aq) FeCl2 Aqueous silica aqSi SiO2 end fo EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2200854. S0 = 95.1 V0 = 4.366 c1 = 233.3 c2 = .1494E-2 c3 = -603800 c5 = -1869.7 b1 = .285E-4 b5 = 531.1171 b6 = 1285000. b7 = -.3E-5 b8 = 3.84 end fa EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1522531. S0 = 151 V0 = 4.631 c1 = 201.1 c2 = .1733E-1 c3 = -1960600. c5 = -900.9 b1 = .282E-4 b5 = 379.7022 b6 = 1256000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.68 end teph EoS = 8 Si(1)Mn(2)O2(2) GH = -1780392. S0 = 155.9 V0 = 4.899 c1 = 219.6 c3 = -1292700. c5 = -1308.3 b1 = .286E-4 b5 = 370.4448 b6 = 1256000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.68 end lrn EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(2)O2(2) GH = -2344984. S0 = 127.6 V0 = 5.16 c1 = 247.5 c2 = -.3206E-2 c5 = -2051.9 b1 = .29E-4 b5 = 431.1559 b6 = 985000 b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 4.07 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 1710 t2 = 10.03 t3 = .5E-1 end mont EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(1)Ca(1)O2(2) GH = -2283877. S0 = 109.5 V0 = 5.148 c1 = 250.7 c2 = -.10433E-1 c3 = -797200 c5 = -1996.1 b1 = .287E-4 b5 = 481.6406 b6 = 1134000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 3.87 end chum EoS = 8 Mg(9)Si(4)O2(9)H2(1) GH = -9744555. S0 = 440.5 V0 = 19.801 c1 = 1071 c2 = -.16533E-1 c3 = -7899600. c5 = -7373.9 b1 = .32E-4 b5 = 537.4843 b6 = 1199000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 4.58 end chdr EoS = 8 Mg(5)Si(2)O2(5)H2(1) GH = -5332279. S0 = 260 V0 = 11.084 c1 = 625 c2 = -.1088E-2 c3 = -2259900. c5 = -4910.7 b1 = .182E-4 b5 = 528.5176 b6 = 1161000. b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 4.8 end mwd EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2166056. S0 = 93.9 V0 = 4.051 c1 = 208.7 c2 = .3942E-2 c3 = -1709500. c5 = -1302.8 b1 = .237E-4 b5 = 535.703 b6 = 1726000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 3.84 end fwd EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1511220. S0 = 146 V0 = 4.321 c1 = 201.1 c2 = .1733E-1 c3 = -1960600. c5 = -900.9 b1 = .273E-4 b5 = 389.6378 b6 = 1690000. b7 = -.26E-5 b8 = 4.35 end mrw EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2153633. S0 = 90 V0 = 3.949 c1 = 213.3 c2 = .269E-2 c3 = -1410400. c5 = -1495.9 b1 = .201E-4 b5 = 551.1697 b6 = 1781000. b7 = -.24E-5 b8 = 4.35 end frw EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1513251. S0 = 140 V0 = 4.203 c1 = 166.8 c2 = .4261E-1 c3 = -1705400. c5 = -541.4 b1 = .222E-4 b5 = 402.2693 b6 = 1977000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.92 end mpv EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1460834. S0 = 62.6 V0 = 2.445 c1 = 149.3 c2 = .2918E-2 c3 = -2983000. c5 = -799.1 b1 = .187E-4 b5 = 560.9705 b6 = 2510000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4.14 end fpv EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1111014. S0 = 95 V0 = 2.534 c1 = 133.2 c2 = .1083E-1 c3 = -3661400. c5 = -314.7 b1 = .187E-4 b5 = 418.0818 b6 = 2810000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4.14 end apv EoS = 8 Al(2)O2(1.5) GH = -1635124. S0 = 51.8 V0 = 2.54 c1 = 139.5 c2 = .589E-2 c3 = -2460600. c5 = -589.2 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 633.0952 b6 = 2030000. b7 = -.2E-5 b8 = 4 end npv EoS = 8 Na(.5)Al(.5)Si(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1383783. S0 = 63 V0 = 2.334 c1 = 135 c2 = .846E-2 c3 = -1850300. c5 = -600.8 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 558.6134 b6 = 2030000. b7 = -.2E-5 b8 = 4 end ppv EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1436488. S0 = 60.4 V0 = 2.442 c1 = 149.3 c2 = .2918E-2 c3 = -2983000. c5 = -799.1 b1 = .187E-4 b5 = 574.2981 b6 = 2312000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4 end cpv EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1555782. S0 = 74.5 V0 = 2.745 c1 = 159.3 c3 = -967300 c5 = -1075.4 b1 = .2E-4 b5 = 498.4067 b6 = 2360000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 3.9 end mak EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1507230. S0 = 59.3 V0 = 2.635 c1 = 147.8 c2 = .2015E-2 c3 = -2395000. c5 = -801.8 b1 = .212E-4 b5 = 581.2022 b6 = 2110000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.55 end fak EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1169391. S0 = 91.5 V0 = 2.76 c1 = 100.3 c2 = .13328E-1 c3 = -4364900. c5 = 419.8 b1 = .212E-4 b5 = 429.9111 b6 = 2180000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.55 end maj EoS = 8 Mg(4)Si(4)O2(6) GH = -6119299. S0 = 260.2 V0 = 11.457 c1 = 713.6 c2 = -.997E-3 c3 = -1158200. c5 = -6622.3 b1 = .183E-4 b5 = 546.838 b6 = 1600000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.56 end nagt EoS = 8 Na(1)Mg(2)Al(1)Si(4)O2(6) GH = -6062698. S0 = 260.6 V0 = 11.09 c1 = 620.8 c2 = .112E-1 c3 = -3755900. c5 = -4421.3 b1 = .21E-4 b5 = 546.2763 b6 = 1700000. b7 = -.23E-5 b8 = 4 end py EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(2)Si(3)O2(6) GH = -6364346. S0 = 267 V0 = 11.313 c1 = 633.5 c3 = -5196100. c5 = -4315.2 b1 = .237E-4 b5 = 537.4432 b6 = 1743000. b7 = -.23E-5 b8 = 4.05 end alm EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Fe(3)O2(6) GH = -5367537. S0 = 337 V0 = 11.525 c1 = 716.2 c2 = -.1241E-1 c3 = -3160800. c5 = -5863.5 b1 = .212E-4 b5 = 456.6767 b6 = 1900000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 2.98 end spss EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Mn(3)O2(6) GH = -5792380. S0 = 335.3 V0 = 11.792 c1 = 646.9 c3 = -4525800. c5 = -4452.8 b1 = .227E-4 b5 = 458.3495 b6 = 1740000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 6.68 end gr EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Ca(3)O2(6) GH = -6718938. S0 = 255 V0 = 12.535 c1 = 626 c3 = -5779200. c5 = -4002.9 b1 = .22E-4 b5 = 554.247 b6 = 1720000. b7 = -.32E-5 b8 = 5.53 end andr EoS = 8 Si(3)Ca(3)Fe(2)O2(6) GH = -5863205. S0 = 316.4 V0 = 13.204 c1 = 638.6 c3 = -4955100. c5 = -3989.2 b1 = .286E-4 b5 = 477.8077 b6 = 1588000. b7 = -.36E-5 b8 = 5.68 end ski EoS = 8 Si(3)Fe(5)O2(6) GH = -4451114. S0 = 403.4 V0 = 12.144 c1 = 689.9 c3 = -2948600. c5 = -5030.3 b1 = .285E-4 b5 = 399.6994 b6 = 1574000. b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 6.7 end knor EoS = 8 Mg(3)Si(3)O2(6)Cr(2) GH = -5791221. S0 = 302 V0 = 11.738 c1 = 613 c2 = .3606E-2 c3 = -4178000. c5 = -3729.4 b1 = .237E-4 b5 = 493.779 b6 = 1534000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.34 end uv EoS = 8 Si(3)Ca(3)O2(6)Cr(2) GH = -6153266. S0 = 320.9 V0 = 13.077 c1 = 605.1 c2 = .3606E-2 c3 = -4760600. c5 = -3417.1 b1 = .22E-4 b5 = 473.0265 b6 = 1620000. b7 = -.29E-5 b8 = 4.7 end osma EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(5)Si(10)K(1)O2(15) GH = -.1512112E+08 S0 = 755 V0 = 37.893 c1 = 1540.7 c2 = -.11359E-1 c3 = -.1033900E+08 c5 = -11699 b1 = .47E-5 b5 = 479.7654 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 end osmm EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(3)Si(11)K(1)O2(15) GH = -.1500687E+08 S0 = 740 V0 = 38.44 c1 = 1525.5 c2 = -.10267E-1 c3 = -.1053800E+08 c5 = -11337 b1 = .47E-5 b5 = 486.625 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 end osfa EoS = 8 Al(5)Si(10)K(1)Fe(2)O2(15) GH = -.1444787E+08 S0 = 780 V0 = 38.45 c1 = 1558.6 c2 = -.11359E-1 c3 = -9476500. c5 = -11845 b1 = .49E-5 b5 = 468.7528 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 end vsv EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(11)Si(18)Ca(19)O2(39)H2(4.5) GH = -.4290863E+08 S0 = 1890 V0 = 85.2 c1 = 4488 c2 = -.57952E-1 c3 = -.2226930E+08 c5 = -33478 b1 = .275E-4 b5 = 525.6078 b6 = 1255000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 4.8 end and EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2616239. S0 = 92.7 V0 = 5.153 c1 = 277.3 c2 = -.6588E-2 c3 = -1914100. c5 = -2265.6 b1 = .181E-4 b5 = 589.9875 b6 = 1442000. b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 6.89 end ky EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2617796. S0 = 83.5 V0 = 4.414 c1 = 279.4 c2 = -.7124E-2 c3 = -2055600. c5 = -2289.4 b1 = .192E-4 b5 = 630.1881 b6 = 1601000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.05 end sill EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2614134. S0 = 95.4 V0 = 4.986 c1 = 280.2 c2 = -.69E-2 c3 = -1375700. c5 = -2399.4 b1 = .112E-4 b5 = 579.1451 b6 = 1640000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 5.06 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 4750 t2 = .1E-1 t3 = 4750 t4 = .1E-1 t5 = 1 t6 = .25 end smul EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2599472. S0 = 101.5 V0 = 4.987 c1 = 280.2 c2 = -.69E-2 c3 = -1375700. c5 = -2399.4 b1 = .136E-4 b5 = 556.058 b6 = 1740000. b7 = -.23E-5 b8 = 4 end amul EoS = 8 Al(2.5)Si(.5)O2(2.375) GH = -2519351. S0 = 113 V0 = 5.083 c1 = 244.8 c2 = .968E-3 c3 = -2533300. c5 = -1641.6 b1 = .136E-4 b5 = 505.9788 b6 = 1740000. b7 = -.23E-5 b8 = 4 end tpz EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)O2(3)H2(1) GH = -2930604. S0 = 100.5 V0 = 5.339 c1 = 387.7 c2 = -.712E-2 c3 = -857200 c5 = -3744.2 b1 = .157E-4 b5 = 682.8295 b6 = 1315000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.06 end mst EoS = 8 Mg(4)Al(18)Si(7.5)O2(24)H2(2) GH = -.2539429E+08 S0 = 910 V0 = 44.26 c1 = 2820.5 c2 = -.59366E-1 c3 = -.1377400E+08 c5 = -24126 b1 = .181E-4 b5 = 604.1244 b6 = 1684000. b7 = -.24E-5 b8 = 4.05 end fst EoS = 8 Al(18)Si(7.5)Fe(4)O2(24)H2(2) GH = -.2405626E+08 S0 = 1010 V0 = 44.88 c1 = 2880 c2 = -.56595E-1 c3 = -.1064200E+08 c5 = -25373 b1 = .183E-4 b5 = 564.7642 b6 = 1800000. b7 = -.26E-5 b8 = 4.76 end mnst EoS = 8 Al(18)Si(7.5)Mn(4)O2(24)H2(2) GH = -.2455098E+08 S0 = 1034 V0 = 45.46 c1 = 2873.3 c2 = -.89064E-1 c3 = -.1268800E+08 c5 = -24749 b1 = .209E-4 b5 = 556.0692 b6 = 1800000. b7 = -.26E-5 b8 = 4.76 end mctd EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)Si(1)O2(3.5)H2(1) GH = -3592740. S0 = 146 V0 = 6.875 c1 = 417.4 c2 = -.3771E-2 c3 = -2920600. c5 = -3417.8 b1 = .263E-4 b5 = 601.898 b6 = 1456000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.06 end fctd EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)Fe(1)O2(3.5)H2(1) GH = -3258291. S0 = 167 V0 = 6.98 c1 = 416.1 c2 = -.3477E-2 c3 = -2835900. c5 = -3360.3 b1 = .28E-4 b5 = 551.4837 b6 = 1456000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.06 end mnctd EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)Mn(1)O2(3.5)H2(1) GH = -3385003. S0 = 166 V0 = 7.175 c1 = 464.4 c2 = -.12654E-1 c3 = -1147200. c5 = -4341 b1 = .26E-4 b5 = 553.6921 b6 = 1456000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.06 end merw EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(2)Ca(3)O2(4) GH = -4621152. S0 = 253.1 V0 = 9.847 c1 = 417.5 c2 = .8117E-2 c3 = -2923000. c5 = -2320.3 b1 = .319E-4 b5 = 433.7936 b6 = 1200000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 4.07 end spu EoS = 8 Si(2)Ca(5)O2(5.5)C(1) GH = -5945786. S0 = 332 V0 = 14.697 c1 = 614.1 c2 = -.3508E-2 c3 = -2493100. c5 = -4168 b1 = .34E-4 b5 = 444.7663 b6 = 950000 b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 4.09 end zo EoS = 8 Al(3)Si(3)Ca(2)O2(6.5)H2(.5) GH = -6984999. S0 = 298 V0 = 13.575 c1 = 662 c2 = .10416E-1 c3 = -6006400. c5 = -4260.7 b1 = .312E-4 b5 = 532.187 b6 = 1044000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 4 end cz EoS = 8 Al(3)Si(3)Ca(2)O2(6.5)H2(.5) GH = -6985143. S0 = 301 V0 = 13.63 c1 = 630.9 c2 = .13693E-1 c3 = -6645800. c5 = -3731.1 b1 = .233E-4 b5 = 528.5805 b6 = 1197000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 4.07 end ep EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Ca(2)Fe(1)O2(6.5)H2(.5) GH = -6567567. S0 = 315 V0 = 13.92 c1 = 613.3 c2 = .2207E-1 c3 = -7160000. c5 = -2987.7 b1 = .234E-4 b5 = 512.3763 b6 = 1340000. b7 = -.3E-5 b8 = 4 end fep EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)Ca(2)Fe(2)O2(6.5)H2(.5) GH = -6126381. S0 = 329 V0 = 14.21 c1 = 584.7 c2 = .30447E-1 c3 = -7674200. c5 = -2244.3 b1 = .231E-4 b5 = 497.1361 b6 = 1513000. b7 = -.26E-5 b8 = 4 end pmt EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Ca(2)Mn(1)O2(6.5)H2(.5) GH = -6643971. S0 = 340 V0 = 13.82 c1 = 569.8 c2 = .2779E-1 c3 = -5442900. c5 = -2812.6 b1 = .238E-4 b5 = 485.7831 b6 = 1197000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 4.07 end law EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(5)H2(2) GH = -4936826. S0 = 229 V0 = 10.132 c1 = 687.8 c2 = .1566E-2 c3 = 375900 c5 = -7179.2 b1 = .265E-4 b5 = 575.148 b6 = 1229000. b7 = -.44E-5 b8 = 5.45 end mpm EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(5)Si(6)Ca(4)O2(14)H2(3.5) GH = -.1457419E+08 S0 = 629 V0 = 29.55 c1 = 1720.8 c2 = -.24928E-1 c3 = -5998700. c5 = -14620.3 b1 = .248E-4 b5 = 566.5483 b6 = 1615000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.05 end fpm EoS = 8 Al(5)Si(6)Ca(4)Fe(1)O2(14)H2(3.5) GH = -.1422991E+08 S0 = 657 V0 = 29.68 c1 = 1737.2 c2 = -.24582E-1 c3 = -5161100. c5 = -14963 b1 = .249E-4 b5 = 550.4506 b6 = 1615000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.05 end jgd EoS = 8 Si(6)Ca(4)Fe(6)O2(14)H2(3.5) GH = -.1205617E+08 S0 = 830 V0 = 31.08 c1 = 1795.4 c2 = -.37986E-1 c3 = -4455700. c5 = -14888 b1 = .249E-4 b5 = 468.247 b6 = 1615000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.05 end geh EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)Ca(2)O2(3.5) GH = -4051363. S0 = 198.5 V0 = 9.024 c1 = 405.7 c2 = -.7099E-2 c3 = -1188300. c5 = -3174.4 b1 = .223E-4 b5 = 462.8037 b6 = 1080000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 4.08 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 7510 t2 = .9E-1 t3 = 7500 t4 = .9E-1 t5 = 1 t6 = .8 end ak EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(2)Ca(2)O2(3.5) GH = -3928937. S0 = 212.5 V0 = 9.254 c1 = 385.4 c2 = .3209E-2 c3 = -247500 c5 = -2889.9 b1 = .257E-4 b5 = 440.4445 b6 = 1420000. b7 = -.29E-5 b8 = 4.06 end rnk EoS = 8 Si(2)Ca(3)O2(3.5) GH = -4006451. S0 = 210 V0 = 9.651 c1 = 372.3 c2 = -.2893E-2 c3 = -2462400. c5 = -2181.3 b1 = .328E-4 b5 = 444.2774 b6 = 950000 b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 4.09 end ty EoS = 8 Si(2)Ca(5)O2(6.5)C(2) GH = -6484408. S0 = 390 V0 = 17.039 c1 = 741.7 c2 = -.5345E-2 c3 = -1434600. c5 = -5878.5 b1 = .342E-4 b5 = 440.0993 b6 = 950000 b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 4.09 end crd EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(4)Si(5)O2(9) GH = -9283662. S0 = 404.1 V0 = 23.322 c1 = 906.1 c3 = -7902000. c5 = -6293.4 b1 = .68E-5 b5 = 522.0255 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 36710 t2 = .1 t3 = 36700 t4 = .1 t5 = 2 t6 = 1.5 end hcrd EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(4)Si(5)O2(9.5)H2(1) GH = -9592276. S0 = 483 V0 = 23.322 c1 = 955.3 c3 = -8352600. c5 = -6301.2 b1 = .67E-5 b5 = 493.9223 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 36710 t2 = .1 t3 = 36700 t4 = .1 t5 = 2 t6 = 1.5 end fcrd EoS = 8 Al(4)Si(5)Fe(2)O2(9) GH = -8581517. S0 = 461 V0 = 23.71 c1 = 924 c3 = -7039400. c5 = -6439.6 b1 = .67E-5 b5 = 476.1702 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 36710 t2 = .1 t3 = 36700 t4 = .1 t5 = 2 t6 = 1.5 end mncrd EoS = 8 Al(4)Si(5)Mn(2)O2(9) GH = -8833175. S0 = 473 V0 = 24.027 c1 = 886.5 c3 = -8840000. c5 = -5590.4 b1 = .69E-5 b5 = 467.5094 b6 = 1290000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 4.1 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 36710 t2 = .1 t3 = 36700 t4 = .1 t5 = 2 t6 = 1.5 end phA EoS = 8 Mg(7)Si(2)O2(7)H2(3) GH = -7234112. S0 = 350.5 V0 = 15.422 c1 = 962 c2 = -.11521E-1 c3 = -4517800. c5 = -7724.7 b1 = .355E-4 b5 = 574.1056 b6 = 1450000. b7 = -.28E-5 b8 = 4.06 end phD EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(2)O2(3)H2(1) GH = -2703314. S0 = 111.2 V0 = 5.103 c1 = 294.6 c2 = .7944E-2 c3 = -5008700. c5 = -1335.5 b1 = .379E-4 b5 = 642.6939 b6 = 1650000. b7 = -.3E-5 b8 = 5 end phE EoS = 8 Mg(2.4)Si(1.2)O2(3)H2(1.2) GH = -2981537. S0 = 169 V0 = 6.435 c1 = 397.4 c2 = -.3533E-2 c3 = -1344400. c5 = -3290.2 b1 = .379E-4 b5 = 518.2394 b6 = 930000 b7 = -.54E-5 b8 = 5 end shB EoS = 8 Mg(10)Si(3)O2(9)H2(2) GH = -9595387. S0 = 396 V0 = 18.615 c1 = 1077.7 c2 = .642E-3 c3 = -7407400. c5 = -7428.7 b1 = .356E-4 b5 = 599.0666 b6 = 1320000. b7 = -.391E-5 b8 = 5.3 end sph EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(1)Ti(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2638421. S0 = 124 V0 = 5.565 c1 = 227.9 c2 = .2924E-2 c3 = -3539500. c5 = -894.3 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 484.7767 b6 = 1017000. b7 = -.97E-5 b8 = 9.85 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 485 t2 = .4 t3 = .5E-2 end cstn EoS = 8 Si(2)Ca(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2512576. S0 = 99.5 V0 = 4.818 c1 = 205.6 c2 = .6034E-2 c3 = -5517700. c5 = -352.6 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 563.4221 b6 = 1782000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end zrc EoS = 8 Si(1)Zr(1)O2(2) GH = -2059895. S0 = 83.03 V0 = 3.926 c1 = 232 c2 = -.14405E-1 c5 = -2238.2 b1 = .125E-4 b5 = 524.5007 b6 = 2301000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end zrt EoS = 8 Ti(1)Zr(1)O2(2) GH = -2027239. S0 = 98 V0 = 4.42 c1 = 214.6 c2 = -.8226E-2 c3 = 190300 c5 = -1820.4 b1 = .125E-4 b5 = 467.0375 b6 = 2301000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end tcn EoS = 8 Si(1)Ti(1)O2(2) GH = -1789318. S0 = 77 V0 = 3.493 c1 = 208.6 c2 = -.3669E-2 c3 = 113000 c5 = -1906.9 b1 = .125E-4 b5 = 551.8506 b6 = 2301000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end en EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3129465. S0 = 132.5 V0 = 6.262 c1 = 356.2 c2 = -.299E-2 c3 = -596900 c5 = -3185.3 b1 = .227E-4 b5 = 540.1727 b6 = 1059000. b7 = -.82E-5 b8 = 8.65 end pren EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3125147. S0 = 137 V0 = 6.476 c1 = 356.2 c2 = -.299E-2 c3 = -596900 c5 = -3185.3 b1 = .23E-4 b5 = 528.1033 b6 = 1059000. b7 = -.82E-5 b8 = 8.65 end cen EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3130206. S0 = 132 V0 = 6.264 c1 = 306 c2 = -.3793E-2 c3 = -3041700. c5 = -1852.1 b1 = .211E-4 b5 = 541.5479 b6 = 1059000. b7 = -.82E-5 b8 = 8.65 end hen EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3121726. S0 = 131.7 V0 = 6.099 c1 = 356.2 c2 = -.299E-2 c3 = -596900 c5 = -3185.3 b1 = .226E-4 b5 = 542.3763 b6 = 1500000. b7 = -.36E-5 b8 = 5.5 end hfs EoS = 8 Si(2)Fe(2)O2(3) GH = -2436900. S0 = 189 V0 = 6.405 c1 = 398.7 c2 = -.6579E-2 c3 = 1290100. c5 = -4058 b1 = .237E-4 b5 = 419.7316 b6 = 1500000. b7 = -.36E-5 b8 = 5.5 end fs EoS = 8 Si(2)Fe(2)O2(3) GH = -2445119. S0 = 189.9 V0 = 6.592 c1 = 398.7 c2 = -.6579E-2 c3 = 1290100. c5 = -4058 b1 = .326E-4 b5 = 418.2462 b6 = 1010000. b7 = -.4E-5 b8 = 4.08 end mgts EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)Si(1)O2(3) GH = -3238972. S0 = 128.5 V0 = 6.05 c1 = 371.4 c2 = -.4082E-2 c3 = -398400 c5 = -3547.1 b1 = .217E-4 b5 = 551.3738 b6 = 1028000. b7 = -.83E-5 b8 = 8.55 end di EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(3) GH = -3244386. S0 = 142.9 V0 = 6.619 c1 = 314.5 c2 = .41E-4 c3 = -2745900. c5 = -2020.1 b1 = .273E-4 b5 = 513.0728 b6 = 1192000. b7 = -.44E-5 b8 = 5.19 end hed EoS = 8 Si(2)Ca(1)Fe(1)O2(3) GH = -2894146. S0 = 175 V0 = 6.795 c1 = 340.2 c2 = .812E-3 c3 = -1047800. c5 = -2646.7 b1 = .238E-4 b5 = 444.2774 b6 = 1192000. b7 = -.33E-5 b8 = 3.97 end jd EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3065173. S0 = 133.5 V0 = 6.04 c1 = 319.4 c2 = .3616E-2 c3 = -1173900. c5 = -2469.5 b1 = .21E-4 b5 = 537.4432 b6 = 1281000. b7 = -.3E-5 b8 = 3.81 end kjd EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(2)K(1)O2(3) GH = -2974811. S0 = 141.24 V0 = 6.479 c1 = 316.2 c2 = .6905E-2 c3 = -905300 c5 = -2489 b1 = .273E-4 b5 = 517.2145 b6 = 1450000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 5 end acm EoS = 8 Na(1)Si(2)Fe(1)O2(3) GH = -2634134. S0 = 170.6 V0 = 6.459 c1 = 307.1 c2 = .16758E-1 c3 = -1685500. c5 = -2125.8 b1 = .211E-4 b5 = 452.5957 b6 = 1060000. b7 = -.38E-5 b8 = 4.08 end kos EoS = 8 Na(1)Si(2)O2(3)Cr(1) GH = -2789508. S0 = 149.65 V0 = 6.309 c1 = 309.2 c2 = .5419E-2 c3 = -664600 c5 = -2176.6 b1 = .194E-4 b5 = 496.8932 b6 = 1308000. b7 = -.23E-5 b8 = 3 end cats EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(1)Ca(1)O2(3) GH = -3350300. S0 = 135 V0 = 6.356 c1 = 347.6 c2 = -.6974E-2 c3 = -1781600. c5 = -2757.5 b1 = .208E-4 b5 = 533.4002 b6 = 1192000. b7 = -.44E-5 b8 = 5.19 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 3800 t2 = .1E-1 t3 = 3800 t4 = .1E-1 t5 = 1 t6 = .25 end caes EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(2)Ca(.5)O2(3) GH = -3039825. S0 = 127 V0 = 6.05 c1 = 362 c2 = -.16944E-1 c3 = -175900 c5 = -3565.7 b1 = .231E-4 b5 = 536.9434 b6 = 1192000. b7 = -.44E-5 b8 = 5.19 end rhod EoS = 8 Si(1)Mn(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1352314. S0 = 100.5 V0 = 3.494 c1 = 138.4 c2 = .4088E-2 c3 = -1936000. c5 = -538.9 b1 = .281E-4 b5 = 400.7536 b6 = 840000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4 end pxmn EoS = 8 Si(1)Mn(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1352736. S0 = 99.3 V0 = 3.472 c1 = 138.4 c2 = .4088E-2 c3 = -1936000. c5 = -538.9 b1 = .28E-4 b5 = 404.4106 b6 = 840000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4 end wo EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1658357. S0 = 82.5 V0 = 3.993 c1 = 159.3 c3 = -967300 c5 = -1075.4 b1 = .254E-4 b5 = 463.6443 b6 = 795000 b7 = -.52E-5 b8 = 4.1 end pswo EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1654138. S0 = 87.8 V0 = 4.008 c1 = 157.8 c3 = -967300 c5 = -1075.4 b1 = .285E-4 b5 = 443.1667 b6 = 1100000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.08 end wal EoS = 8 Si(1)Ca(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1650794. S0 = 84.5 V0 = 3.7633 c1 = 159.3 c3 = -967300 c5 = -1075.4 b1 = .32E-4 b5 = 455.6984 b6 = 860000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4 end tr EoS = 8 Mg(5)Si(8)Ca(2)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1246918E+08 S0 = 553 V0 = 27.27 c1 = 1260.2 c2 = .383E-2 c3 = -.1145500E+08 c5 = -8237.6 b1 = .261E-4 b5 = 533.7266 b6 = 762000 b7 = -.54E-5 b8 = 4.1 end ftr EoS = 8 Si(8)Ca(2)Fe(5)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1071529E+08 S0 = 710 V0 = 28.42 c1 = 1290 c2 = .29992E-1 c3 = -8447500. c5 = -8947 b1 = .288E-4 b5 = 447.6982 b6 = 760000 b7 = -.54E-5 b8 = 4.1 end ts EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(4)Si(6)Ca(2)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1271355E+08 S0 = 533 V0 = 26.8 c1 = 1244.8 c2 = .24348E-1 c3 = -.1196500E+08 c5 = -8112.1 b1 = .266E-4 b5 = 547.1193 b6 = 760000 b7 = -.54E-5 b8 = 4.1 end parg EoS = 8 Na(1)Mg(4)Al(3)Si(6)Ca(2)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1285409E+08 S0 = 635 V0 = 27.19 c1 = 1280.2 c2 = .22997E-1 c3 = -.1235950E+08 c5 = -8065.8 b1 = .28E-4 b5 = 493.3428 b6 = 912000 b7 = -.45E-5 b8 = 4.09 end gl EoS = 8 Na(2)Mg(3)Al(2)Si(8)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1211394E+08 S0 = 530 V0 = 25.98 c1 = 1717.5 c2 = -.12107 c3 = 7075000. c5 = -19272 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 549.1864 b6 = 883000 b7 = -.46E-5 b8 = 4.09 end fgl EoS = 8 Na(2)Al(2)Si(8)Fe(3)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1106557E+08 S0 = 624 V0 = 26.59 c1 = 1762.9 c2 = -.118992 c3 = 9423700. c5 = -20207.1 b1 = .183E-4 b5 = 491.0545 b6 = 890000 b7 = -.46E-5 b8 = 4.09 end nyb EoS = 8 Na(3)Mg(3)Al(3)Si(7)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1235090E+08 S0 = 622 V0 = 26.314 c1 = 1745.2 c2 = -.112162 c3 = 6425500. c5 = -19163 b1 = .22E-4 b5 = 500.5289 b6 = 910000 b7 = -.45E-5 b8 = 4.09 end rieb EoS = 8 Na(2)Si(8)Fe(5)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1023131E+08 S0 = 695 V0 = 27.49 c1 = 1787.3 c2 = -.124882 c3 = 9627100. c5 = -20275.5 b1 = .181E-4 b5 = 454.7005 b6 = 890000 b7 = -.46E-5 b8 = 4.09 end anth EoS = 8 Mg(7)Si(8)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1222601E+08 S0 = 537 V0 = 26.54 c1 = 1277.3 c2 = .25825E-1 c3 = -9704600. c5 = -9074.7 b1 = .252E-4 b5 = 544.3873 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end fanth EoS = 8 Si(8)Fe(7)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -9839909. S0 = 725 V0 = 27.87 c1 = 1383.1 c2 = .30669E-1 c3 = -4224700. c5 = -11257.6 b1 = .274E-4 b5 = 440.9084 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end cumm EoS = 8 Mg(7)Si(8)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1222415E+08 S0 = 538 V0 = 26.33 c1 = 1277.3 c2 = .25825E-1 c3 = -9704600. c5 = -9074.7 b1 = .252E-4 b5 = 543.7085 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end grun EoS = 8 Si(8)Fe(7)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -9825530. S0 = 735 V0 = 27.84 c1 = 1383.1 c2 = .30669E-1 c3 = -4224700. c5 = -11257.6 b1 = .274E-4 b5 = 436.495 b6 = 648000 b7 = -.64E-5 b8 = 4.12 end ged EoS = 8 Mg(5)Al(4)Si(6)O2(12)H2(1) GH = -.1246612E+08 S0 = 535 V0 = 25.956 c1 = 1307.7 c2 = .23642E-1 c3 = -9307400. c5 = -9799 b1 = .241E-4 b5 = 545.7499 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end spr4 EoS = 8 Mg(4)Al(8)Si(2)O2(10) GH = -.1114721E+08 S0 = 425.5 V0 = 19.9 c1 = 1133.1 c2 = -.7596E-2 c3 = -8816600. c5 = -8180.6 b1 = .205E-4 b5 = 561.1271 b6 = 2500000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4.04 end spr5 EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(10)Si(1)O2(10) GH = -.1126012E+08 S0 = 419.5 V0 = 19.75 c1 = 1103.4 c2 = .1015E-2 c3 = -.1095700E+08 c5 = -7409.2 b1 = .206E-4 b5 = 566.4004 b6 = 2500000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4.04 end fspr EoS = 8 Al(8)Si(2)Fe(4)O2(10) GH = -9802643. S0 = 485 V0 = 19.923 c1 = 1132.9 c2 = -.7348E-2 c3 = -.1042020E+08 c5 = -7036.6 b1 = .196E-4 b5 = 513.6996 b6 = 2500000. b7 = -.17E-5 b8 = 4.04 end mcar EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)Si(2)O2(5)H2(2) GH = -4836890. S0 = 221.5 V0 = 10.59 c1 = 683 c2 = -.14054E-1 c3 = 291000 c5 = -6976.4 b1 = .243E-4 b5 = 587.6927 b6 = 525000 b7 = -.79E-5 b8 = 4.14 end fcar EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(2)Fe(1)O2(5)H2(2) GH = -4486355. S0 = 251.1 V0 = 10.695 c1 = 686.6 c2 = -.12415E-1 c3 = 186000 c5 = -6884 b1 = .221E-4 b5 = 541.1128 b6 = 525000 b7 = -.79E-5 b8 = 4.14 end deer EoS = 8 Si(12)Fe(18)O2(25)H2(5) GH = -.1883145E+08 S0 = 1650 V0 = 55.74 c1 = 3164.4 c2 = -.27883E-1 c3 = -5039100. c5 = -26721 b1 = .275E-4 b5 = 429.3326 b6 = 630000 b7 = -.65E-5 b8 = 4.12 end mu EoS = 8 Al(3)Si(3)K(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6063570. S0 = 292 V0 = 14.083 c1 = 756.4 c2 = -.1984E-1 c3 = -2170000. c5 = -6979.2 b1 = .307E-4 b5 = 522.7881 b6 = 490000 b7 = -.85E-5 b8 = 4.15 end cel EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(1)Si(4)K(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5921323. S0 = 290 V0 = 13.957 c1 = 741.2 c2 = -.18748E-1 c3 = -2368800. c5 = -6616.9 b1 = .307E-4 b5 = 525.2469 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end fcel EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(4)K(1)Fe(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5567019. S0 = 330 V0 = 14.07 c1 = 756.3 c2 = -.19147E-1 c3 = -1586100. c5 = -6928.7 b1 = .318E-4 b5 = 480.0877 b6 = 700000 b7 = -.59E-5 b8 = 4.11 end pa EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(3)Si(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6025248. S0 = 277 V0 = 13.211 c1 = 803 c2 = -.3158E-1 c3 = 217000 c5 = -8151 b1 = .37E-4 b5 = 541.8106 b6 = 515000 b7 = -.126E-4 b8 = 6.51 end ma EoS = 8 Al(4)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6320930. S0 = 265 V0 = 12.964 c1 = 744.4 c2 = -.168E-1 c3 = -2074400. c5 = -6783.2 b1 = .233E-4 b5 = 558.0552 b6 = 1000000. b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 4.08 end phl EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(1)Si(3)K(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6311807. S0 = 326 V0 = 14.964 c1 = 770.3 c2 = -.36939E-1 c3 = -2328900. c5 = -6531.6 b1 = .38E-4 b5 = 500.325 b6 = 513000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end ann EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)Fe(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5268813. S0 = 420 V0 = 15.432 c1 = 815.7 c2 = -.34861E-1 c3 = 19800 c5 = -7466.7 b1 = .38E-4 b5 = 416.5931 b6 = 513000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end mnbi EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)Mn(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5604559. S0 = 433 V0 = 15.264 c1 = 809.9 c2 = -.59213E-1 c3 = -1514400. c5 = -6998.7 b1 = .38E-4 b5 = 407.1692 b6 = 530000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end east EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(3)Si(2)K(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6424932. S0 = 318 V0 = 14.738 c1 = 785.5 c2 = -.38031E-1 c3 = -2130300. c5 = -6893.7 b1 = .38E-4 b5 = 509.0324 b6 = 530000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end naph EoS = 8 Na(1)Mg(3)Al(1)Si(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6259482. S0 = 318 V0 = 14.45 c1 = 773.5 c2 = -.40229E-1 c3 = -2597900. c5 = -6512.6 b1 = .328E-4 b5 = 509.0324 b6 = 513000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end clin EoS = 8 Mg(5)Al(2)Si(3)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -9039242. S0 = 437 V0 = 21.14 c1 = 1170.8 c2 = -.1508E-2 c3 = -3825800. c5 = -10315 b1 = .204E-4 b5 = 572.4777 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end ames EoS = 8 Mg(4)Al(4)Si(2)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -9163168. S0 = 412 V0 = 20.71 c1 = 1186 c2 = -.2599E-2 c3 = -3627200. c5 = -10677 b1 = .2E-4 b5 = 594.7068 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end afchl EoS = 8 Mg(6)Si(4)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -8858468. S0 = 439 V0 = 21.57 c1 = 1155 c2 = -.417E-3 c3 = -4024400. c5 = -9952.9 b1 = .204E-4 b5 = 570.771 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end daph EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Fe(5)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -7292070. S0 = 584 V0 = 21.62 c1 = 1192 c2 = -.594E-2 c3 = -4826400. c5 = -9768.3 b1 = .227E-4 b5 = 469.3273 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end mnchl EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Mn(5)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -7876519. S0 = 595 V0 = 22.59 c1 = 1136.5 c2 = -.5243E-2 c3 = -5548100. c5 = -8911.5 b1 = .223E-4 b5 = 463.0835 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end sud EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(4)Si(3)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -8743919. S0 = 395 V0 = 20.3 c1 = 1436.1 c2 = -.48749E-1 c3 = -2748500. c5 = -13764 b1 = .199E-4 b5 = 600.0322 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end fsud EoS = 8 Al(4)Si(3)Fe(2)O2(9)H2(4) GH = -8035916. S0 = 456 V0 = 20.4 c1 = 1466.3 c2 = -.47365E-1 c3 = -1182800. c5 = -14388 b1 = .208E-4 b5 = 546.3164 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end prl EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(4)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5711778. S0 = 239 V0 = 12.804 c1 = 784.5 c2 = -.42948E-1 c3 = 1251000. c5 = -8495.9 b1 = .45E-4 b5 = 578.3578 b6 = 370000 b7 = -.271E-4 b8 = 10 end ta EoS = 8 Mg(3)Si(4)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5973961. S0 = 259 V0 = 13.665 c1 = 622.2 c3 = -6385500. c5 = -3916.3 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 566.5483 b6 = 430000 b7 = -.144E-4 b8 = 6.17 end fta EoS = 8 Si(4)Fe(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -4903799. S0 = 352 V0 = 14.225 c1 = 579.7 c2 = .39494E-1 c3 = -6459300. c5 = -3088.1 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 458.4106 b6 = 430000 b7 = -.144E-4 b8 = 6.17 end tats EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(2)Si(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6078151. S0 = 259 V0 = 13.51 c1 = 549.5 c2 = .36324E-1 c3 = -8606600. c5 = -2515.3 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 566.5483 b6 = 430000 b7 = -.144E-4 b8 = 6.17 end minn EoS = 8 Si(4)Fe(3)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -4924823. S0 = 355 V0 = 14.851 c1 = 579.7 c2 = .39494E-1 c3 = -6459300. c5 = -3088.1 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 455.6054 b6 = 430000 b7 = -.144E-4 b8 = 6.17 end minm EoS = 8 Mg(3)Si(4)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5944612. S0 = 263.9 V0 = 14.291 c1 = 622.2 c3 = -6385500. c5 = -3916.3 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 559.5931 b6 = 430000 b7 = -.144E-4 b8 = 6.17 end kao EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(2)O2(4.5)H2(2) GH = -4182663. S0 = 203.7 V0 = 9.934 c1 = 436.7 c2 = -.34295E-1 c3 = -4055900. c5 = -2699.1 b1 = .251E-4 b5 = 577.3421 b6 = 645000 b7 = -.64E-5 b8 = 4.12 end pre EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(3)Ca(2)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -6289368. S0 = 292.8 V0 = 14.026 c1 = 724.9 c2 = -.13865E-1 c3 = -2059000. c5 = -6323.9 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 521.811 b6 = 1093000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.01 end fpre EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)Ca(2)Fe(1)O2(6)H2(1) GH = -5861898. S0 = 320 V0 = 14.8 c1 = 737.1 c2 = -.1681E-1 c3 = -1957300. c5 = -6358.1 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 490.6335 b6 = 1093000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.01 end chr EoS = 8 Mg(3)Si(2)O2(4.5)H2(2) GH = -4426781. S0 = 221.3 V0 = 10.746 c1 = 624.7 c2 = -.2077E-1 c3 = -1721800. c5 = -5619.4 b1 = .22E-4 b5 = 567.7243 b6 = 628000 b7 = -.64E-5 b8 = 4 end liz EoS = 8 Mg(3)Si(2)O2(4.5)H2(2) GH = -4432188. S0 = 212 V0 = 10.645 c1 = 614.7 c2 = -.2077E-1 c3 = -1721800. c5 = -5619.4 b1 = .22E-4 b5 = 583.8253 b6 = 710000 b7 = -.45E-5 b8 = 3.2 end glt EoS = 8 Si(2)Fe(3)O2(4.5)H2(2) GH = -3389736. S0 = 310 V0 = 11.98 c1 = 576.4 c2 = .2984E-2 c3 = -3757000. c5 = -4166.2 b1 = .228E-4 b5 = 449.4929 b6 = 630000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4 end fstp EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(8)K(.5)Fe(5)O2(15.25)H2(6.25) GH = -.1282949E+08 S0 = 930.2 V0 = 37.239 c1 = 1944.3 c2 = -.12289E-1 c3 = -4840200. c5 = -16635 b1 = .368E-4 b5 = 476.0785 b6 = 513000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end mstp EoS = 8 Mg(5)Al(2)Si(8)K(.5)O2(15.25)H2(6.25) GH = -.1454086E+08 S0 = 847.4 V0 = 36.577 c1 = 1862.2 c2 = -.14018E-1 c3 = -8983100. c5 = -14923 b1 = .371E-4 b5 = 508.2801 b6 = 513000 b7 = -.143E-4 b8 = 7.33 end atg EoS = 8 Mg(48)Si(34)O2(73.5)H2(31) GH = -.7248029E+08 S0 = 3620 V0 = 175.48 c1 = 9621 c2 = -.91183E-1 c3 = -.3594160E+08 c5 = -83034.2 b1 = .28E-4 b5 = 563.3516 b6 = 631000 b7 = -.94E-5 b8 = 5.92 end ab EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(3)O2(4) GH = -3997126. S0 = 207.4 V0 = 10.067 c1 = 452 c2 = -.13364E-1 c3 = -1275900. c5 = -3953.6 b1 = .236E-4 b5 = 474.9519 b6 = 541000 b7 = -.109E-4 b8 = 5.91 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 14000 t2 = .42E-1 t3 = 13000 t4 = .42E-1 t5 = 3 t6 = .9 end abh EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(3)O2(4) GH = -3988165. S0 = 224.3 V0 = 10.105 c1 = 452 c2 = -.13364E-1 c3 = -1275900. c5 = -3953.6 b1 = .241E-4 b5 = 448.8929 b6 = 541000 b7 = -.109E-4 b8 = 5.91 end san EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)O2(4) GH = -4030654. S0 = 214.3 V0 = 10.871 c1 = 448.8 c2 = -.10075E-1 c3 = -1007300. c5 = -3973.1 b1 = .166E-4 b5 = 463.9554 b6 = 583000 b7 = -.69E-5 b8 = 4.02 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 8650 t2 = .24E-1 t3 = 8500 t4 = .24E-1 t5 = 3 t6 = .8 end an EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(4) GH = -4292379. S0 = 200.5 V0 = 10.079 c1 = 370.5 c2 = .1001E-1 c3 = -4339100. c5 = -1960.6 b1 = .141E-4 b5 = 486.4823 b6 = 860000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4.09 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 42010 t2 = .1 t3 = 42000 t4 = .1 t5 = 1 t6 = 2 end kcm EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)O2(4.5)H2(1) GH = -4316629. S0 = 281.5 V0 = 11.438 c1 = 536.5 c2 = -.1009E-1 c3 = -980400 c5 = -4735 b1 = .321E-4 b5 = 442.5443 b6 = 425000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 2 end wa EoS = 8 Si(4)K(2)O2(4.5) GH = -4347820. S0 = 254 V0 = 10.844 c1 = 499.1 c5 = -4350.1 b1 = .266E-4 b5 = 455.0485 b6 = 900000 b7 = -.44E-5 b8 = 4 end hol EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)O2(4) GH = -3841573. S0 = 166.2 V0 = 7.128 c1 = 417.6 c2 = -.3617E-2 c3 = -4748100. c5 = -2819.9 b1 = .28E-4 b5 = 553.249 b6 = 1800000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end q EoS = 8 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -923062.4 S0 = 41.43 V0 = 2.269 c1 = 92.9 c2 = -.642E-3 c3 = -714900 c5 = -716.1 b5 = 525.2346 b6 = 730000 b7 = -.82E-5 b8 = 6 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 847 t2 = 4.95 t3 = .1188 end trd EoS = 8 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -920248.4 S0 = 44.1 V0 = 2.8 c1 = 74.9 c2 = .31E-2 c3 = -1174000. c5 = -236.7 b5 = 503.122 b6 = 150000 b7 = -.291E-4 b8 = 4.36 end crst EoS = 8 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -919423.9 S0 = 50.86 V0 = 2.745 c1 = 72.7 c2 = .1304E-2 c3 = -4129000. b5 = 454.6594 b6 = 160000 b7 = -.272E-4 b8 = 4.35 end coe EoS = 8 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -918796.7 S0 = 39.6 V0 = 2.064 c1 = 107.8 c2 = -.3279E-2 c3 = -190300 c5 = -1041.6 b1 = .123E-4 b5 = 541.5479 b6 = 979000 b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 4.19 end stv EoS = 8 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -883875.6 S0 = 24 V0 = 1.401 c1 = 68.1 c2 = .601E-2 c3 = -1978200. c5 = -82.1 b1 = .158E-4 b5 = 736.5651 b6 = 3090000. b7 = -.15E-5 b8 = 4.6 end ne EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2131950. S0 = 124.4 V0 = 5.419 c1 = 272.7 c2 = -.12398E-1 c5 = -2763.1 b1 = .463E-4 b5 = 439.2967 b6 = 465000 b7 = -.89E-5 b8 = 4.16 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 467 t2 = 10 t3 = .8E-1 end cg EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2127420. S0 = 118.7 V0 = 5.603 c1 = 116.1 c2 = .86021E-1 c3 = -1992700. b1 = .45E-4 b5 = 454.5854 b6 = 465000 b7 = -.89E-5 b8 = 4.16 end cgh EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2118560. S0 = 135 V0 = 5.67 c1 = 229.2 c2 = .11876E-1 c5 = -1970.7 b1 = .467E-4 b5 = 413.4385 b6 = 465000 b7 = -.89E-5 b8 = 4.16 end macf EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)O2(2) GH = -2270222. S0 = 80 V0 = 3.614 c1 = 200 c2 = .6252E-2 c3 = -2996400. c5 = -888.4 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 595.235 b6 = 2120000. b7 = -.17E-5 b8 = 4 end mscf EoS = 8 Mg(2)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2087508. S0 = 87.5 V0 = 3.649 c1 = 213.3 c2 = .269E-2 c3 = -1410400. c5 = -1495.9 b1 = .201E-4 b5 = 561.5628 b6 = 1850000. b7 = -.17E-5 b8 = 4 end fscf EoS = 8 Si(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1445255. S0 = 143.4 V0 = 3.914 c1 = 181.1 c2 = .18526E-1 c3 = -2767200. c5 = -527.1 b1 = .201E-4 b5 = 395.0127 b6 = 1850000. b7 = -.17E-5 b8 = 4 end nacf EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -1998446. S0 = 110 V0 = 3.631 c1 = 272.7 c2 = -.12398E-1 c5 = -2763.1 b1 = .21E-4 b5 = 480.0877 b6 = 1850000. b7 = -.25E-5 b8 = 4.6 end cacf EoS = 8 Al(2)Ca(1)O2(2) GH = -2351718. S0 = 87.6 V0 = 3.976 c1 = 191.9 c2 = .9563E-2 c3 = -3211300. c5 = -640.2 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 561.1396 b6 = 1900000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4 end manal EoS = 8 Mg(3)Al(6)O2(6) GH = -6871167. S0 = 250 V0 = 11.166 c1 = 600 c2 = .18756E-1 c3 = -8989200. c5 = -2665.2 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 579.784 b6 = 1840000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end nanal EoS = 8 Na(1)Mg(2)Al(5)Si(1)O2(6) GH = -6693752. S0 = 280 V0 = 11.322 c1 = 672.7 c2 = .106E-3 c3 = -5992800. c5 = -4539.9 b1 = .201E-4 b5 = 537.8962 b6 = 1840000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end msnal EoS = 8 Mg(6)Si(3)O2(6) GH = -6253626. S0 = 272.5 V0 = 11.061 c1 = 639.9 c2 = .807E-2 c3 = -4231200. c5 = -4487.7 b1 = .21E-4 b5 = 547.7903 b6 = 1850000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end fsnal EoS = 8 Si(3)Fe(6)O2(6) GH = -4277246. S0 = 440.2 V0 = 11.856 c1 = 543.3 c2 = .55578E-1 c3 = -8301600. c5 = -1581.3 b1 = .21E-4 b5 = 388.1482 b6 = 1850000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end canal EoS = 8 Mg(2)Al(6)Ca(1)O2(6) GH = -6916803. S0 = 257.6 V0 = 11.159 c1 = 591.9 c2 = .22067E-1 c3 = -9204100. c5 = -2417 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 568.5674 b6 = 1770000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4 end sdl EoS = 8 Na(8)Al(6)Si(6)Cl2(1)O2(12) GH = -.1367869E+08 S0 = 910 V0 = 42.13 c1 = 1532.7 c2 = .47747E-1 c3 = -2972800. c5 = -12427 b1 = .463E-4 b5 = 405.6042 b6 = 465000 b7 = -.89E-5 b8 = 4.16 end kls EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(1)K(1)O2(2) GH = -2163758. S0 = 136 V0 = 6.052 c1 = 242 c2 = -.4482E-2 c3 = -895800 c5 = -1935.8 b1 = .316E-4 b5 = 411.1553 b6 = 514000 b7 = -.39E-5 b8 = 2 end lc EoS = 8 Al(1)Si(2)K(1)O2(3) GH = -3088613. S0 = 198.5 V0 = 8.826 c1 = 369.8 c2 = -.16332E-1 c3 = 684700 c5 = -3683.1 b1 = .185E-4 b5 = 404.5645 b6 = 450000 b7 = -.127E-4 b8 = 5.7 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 11610 t2 = .4 t3 = 11600 t4 = .4 t5 = 2 t6 = .7 end me EoS = 8 Al(6)Si(6)Ca(4)O2(13.5)C(1) GH = -.1406581E+08 S0 = 752 V0 = 33.985 c1 = 1359 c2 = .36442E-1 c3 = -8594700. c5 = -9598.2 b1 = .181E-4 b5 = 452.0012 b6 = 870000 b7 = -.47E-5 b8 = 4.09 end wrk EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(4)Ca(1)O2(7)H2(2) GH = -6775647. S0 = 380 V0 = 19.04 c1 = 838.3 c2 = -.2146E-1 c3 = -2272000. c5 = -7292.3 b1 = .149E-4 b5 = 491.4972 b6 = 860000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4.09 end lmt EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(4)Ca(1)O2(8)H2(4) GH = -7401230. S0 = 465 V0 = 20.37 c1 = 1013.4 c2 = -.21413E-1 c3 = -2235800. c5 = -8806.7 b1 = .137E-4 b5 = 496.0821 b6 = 860000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4.09 end heu EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(7)Ca(1)O2(12)H2(6) GH = -.1077854E+08 S0 = 783 V0 = 31.7 c1 = 1504.8 c2 = -.33224E-1 c3 = -2959300. c5 = -13297.2 b1 = .157E-4 b5 = 453.3338 b6 = 274000 b7 = -.146E-4 b8 = 4 end stlb EoS = 8 Al(2)Si(7)Ca(1)O2(12.5)H2(7) GH = -.1110832E+08 S0 = 710 V0 = 32.87 c1 = 1588.4 c2 = -.32043E-1 c3 = -3071600. c5 = -13966.9 b1 = .151E-4 b5 = 508.175 b6 = 860000 b7 = -.48E-5 b8 = 4.09 end anl EoS = 8 Na(1)Al(1)Si(2)O2(3.5)H2(1) GH = -3376221. S0 = 232 V0 = 9.74 c1 = 643.5 c2 = -.16067E-1 c3 = 9302300. c5 = -9179.6 b1 = .276E-4 b5 = 437.945 b6 = 400000 b7 = -.104E-4 b8 = 4.18 end lime EoS = 8 Ca(1)O2(.5) GH = -645939.5 S0 = 38.1 V0 = 1.676 c1 = 52.4 c2 = .3673E-2 c3 = -750700 c5 = -51 b1 = .341E-4 b5 = 417.2617 b6 = 1130000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 3.87 end ru EoS = 8 Ti(1)O2(1) GH = -959216.6 S0 = 50.5 V0 = 1.882 c1 = 90.4 c2 = .29E-2 c5 = -623.8 b1 = .224E-4 b5 = 457.0037 b6 = 2220000. b7 = -.19E-5 b8 = 4.24 end per EoS = 8 Mg(1)O2(.5) GH = -609501 S0 = 26.5 V0 = 1.125 c1 = 60.5 c2 = .362E-3 c3 = -535800 c5 = -299.2 b1 = .311E-4 b5 = 540.1727 b6 = 1616000. b7 = -.24E-5 b8 = 3.95 end fper EoS = 8 Fe(1)O2(.5) GH = -279631.6 S0 = 58.6 V0 = 1.206 c1 = 44.4 c2 = .828E-2 c3 = -1214200. c5 = 185.2 b1 = .322E-4 b5 = 297.5937 b6 = 1520000. b7 = -.32E-5 b8 = 4.9 end wu EoS = 8 Fe(1)O2(.5) GH = -281213.4 S0 = 63 V0 = 1.206 c1 = 67.4 c2 = .3758E-2 c3 = 315700 c5 = -381.7 b1 = .322E-4 b5 = 280.3374 b6 = 1520000. b7 = -.32E-5 b8 = 4 end mang EoS = 8 Mn(1)O2(.5) GH = -403369.6 S0 = 59.7 V0 = 1.322 c1 = 59.8 c2 = .36E-2 c3 = -31400 c5 = -282.6 b1 = .369E-4 b5 = 293.0835 b6 = 1645000. b7 = -.27E-5 b8 = 4.46 end cor EoS = 8 Al(2)O2(1.5) GH = -1690396. S0 = 50.9 V0 = 2.558 c1 = 139.5 c2 = .589E-2 c3 = -2460600. c5 = -589.2 b1 = .18E-4 b5 = 639.9519 b6 = 2540000. b7 = -.17E-5 b8 = 4.34 end mcor EoS = 8 Mg(1)Si(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1486040. S0 = 59.3 V0 = 2.635 c1 = 147.8 c2 = .2015E-2 c3 = -2395000. c5 = -801.8 b1 = .212E-4 b5 = 581.2022 b6 = 2110000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.55 end hem EoS = 8 Fe(2)O2(1.5) GH = -851478.3 S0 = 87.4 V0 = 3.027 c1 = 163.9 c3 = -2257200. c5 = -657.6 b1 = .279E-4 b5 = 444.6488 b6 = 2230000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 955 t2 = 15.6 end hem_nol EoS = 8 Fe(2)O2(1.5) GH = -851478.3 S0 = 87.4 V0 = 3.027 c1 = 163.9 c3 = -2257200. c5 = -657.6 b1 = .279E-4 b5 = 444.6488 b6 = 2230000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end esk EoS = 8 O2(1.5)Cr(2) GH = -1152916. S0 = 83 V0 = 2.898 c1 = 119 c2 = .9496E-2 c3 = -1442000. c5 = -3.4 b1 = .159E-4 b5 = 461.6319 b6 = 2450000. b7 = -.15E-5 b8 = 3.6 end bix EoS = 8 Mn(2)O2(1.5) GH = -992899.7 S0 = 113.7 V0 = 3.137 c1 = 145.1 c2 = .23534E-1 c3 = 721600 c5 = -1008.4 b1 = .291E-4 b5 = 364.4962 b6 = 2230000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end NiO EoS = 8 Ni(1)O2(.5) GH = -250799.7 S0 = 38 V0 = 1.097 c1 = 47.7 c2 = .7824E-2 c3 = -392500 b1 = .33E-4 b5 = 418.0818 b6 = 2000000. b7 = -.2E-5 b8 = 3.94 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 520 t2 = 5.7 end pnt EoS = 8 Ti(1)Mn(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1392955. S0 = 105.5 V0 = 3.288 c1 = 143.5 c2 = .3373E-2 c3 = -1940700. c5 = -407.6 b1 = .24E-4 b5 = 386.2019 b6 = 1700000. b7 = -.49E-5 b8 = 8.3 end geik EoS = 8 Mg(1)Ti(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1590334. S0 = 73.6 V0 = 3.086 c1 = 115.5 c2 = .14938E-1 c3 = -2637700. c5 = 45.5 b1 = .215E-4 b5 = 502.6465 b6 = 1700000. b7 = -.49E-5 b8 = 8.3 end ilm EoS = 8 Ti(1)Fe(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1264371. S0 = 107.5 V0 = 3.169 c1 = 138.9 c2 = .5081E-2 c3 = -1288800. c5 = -463.7 b1 = .24E-4 b5 = 380.6729 b6 = 1700000. b7 = -.49E-5 b8 = 8.3 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 1900 t2 = 12 t3 = .2E-1 end bdy EoS = 8 Zr(1)O2(1) GH = -1115347. S0 = 50.4 V0 = 2.115 c1 = 89.6 c2 = .354E-3 c3 = -853100 c5 = -413.7 b1 = .2E-4 b5 = 457.6592 b6 = 953000 b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 3.88 end bdyT EoS = 8 Zr(1)O2(1) GH = -1111931. S0 = 53.4 V0 = 2.115 c1 = 89.6 c2 = .354E-3 c3 = -853100 c5 = -413.7 b1 = .2E-4 b5 = 438.7789 b6 = 953000 b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 3.88 end bdyC EoS = 8 Zr(1)O2(1) GH = -1103014. S0 = 57.2 V0 = 2.495 c1 = 89.6 c2 = .354E-3 c3 = -853100 c5 = -413.7 b1 = .2E-4 b5 = 416.989 b6 = 953000 b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 3.88 end ten EoS = 8 O2(.5)Cu(1) GH = -168801.2 S0 = 42.6 V0 = 1.222 c1 = 31 c2 = .1374E-1 c3 = -1258000. c5 = 369.3 b1 = .357E-4 b5 = 383.4174 b6 = 2000000. b7 = -.2E-5 b8 = 3.94 end cup EoS = 8 O2(.5)Cu(2) GH = -198149.1 S0 = 92.4 V0 = 2.344 c1 = 110.3 c5 = -674.8 b1 = .333E-4 b5 = 285.6069 b6 = 1310000. b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 5.7 end sp EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)O2(2) GH = -2324220. S0 = 80.63 V0 = 3.978 c1 = 200.5 c2 = .6252E-2 c3 = -2996400. c5 = -888.4 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 592.252 b6 = 1922000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4.04 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 13930 t3 = -3600 t5 = 2 t6 = .6666667 end herc EoS = 8 Al(2)Fe(1)O2(2) GH = -1983429. S0 = 113.9 V0 = 4.075 c1 = 184.9 c2 = .1417E-1 c3 = -3674800. c5 = -404 b1 = .206E-4 b5 = 468.3105 b6 = 1922000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4.04 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 13930 t3 = -3600 t5 = 2 t6 = .6666667 end nsp EoS = 8 Mg(1)Al(2)O2(2) GH = -2324220. S0 = 80.63 V0 = 3.978 c1 = 200.5 c2 = .6252E-2 c3 = -2996400. c5 = -888.4 b1 = .193E-4 b5 = 592.252 b6 = 1922000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4.04 end nherc EoS = 8 Al(2)Fe(1)O2(2) GH = -1983429. S0 = 113.9 V0 = 4.075 c1 = 184.9 c2 = .1417E-1 c3 = -3674800. c5 = -404 b1 = .206E-4 b5 = 468.3105 b6 = 1922000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4.04 end mt EoS = 8 Fe(3)O2(2) GH = -1157998. S0 = 146.9 V0 = 4.452 c1 = 262.5 c2 = -.7205E-2 c3 = -1926200. c5 = -1655.7 b1 = .371E-4 b5 = 387.8112 b6 = 1857000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.05 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 848 t2 = 35 end mft EoS = 8 Mg(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1478286. S0 = 121 V0 = 4.457 c1 = 270.5 c2 = -.7505E-2 c3 = -999200 c5 = -2022.4 b1 = .363E-4 b5 = 448.29 b6 = 1857000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.05 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 665 t2 = 17 end qnd EoS = 8 Mg(2)Ti(1)O2(2) GH = -2190245. S0 = 111 V0 = 4.529 c1 = 161.7 c2 = .3286E-1 c3 = -2382200. c5 = -278.6 b1 = .263E-4 b5 = 477.0118 b6 = 1470000. b7 = -.272E-5 b8 = 4 end usp EoS = 8 Ti(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1545164. S0 = 171 V0 = 4.682 c1 = 129.5 c2 = .48696E-1 c3 = -3739000. c5 = 690.2 b1 = .386E-4 b5 = 344.5576 b6 = 1470000. b7 = -.272E-5 b8 = 4 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 1000 t3 = 900 t5 = 1 t6 = .5 end picr EoS = 8 Mg(1)O2(2)Cr(2) GH = -1799511. S0 = 118.3 V0 = 4.356 c1 = 196.1 c2 = .5398E-2 c3 = -3126000. c5 = -616.9 b1 = .26E-4 b5 = 455.6984 b6 = 1922000. b7 = -.21E-5 b8 = 4.04 end br EoS = 8 Mg(1)O2(1)H2(1) GH = -944463.1 S0 = 63.2 V0 = 2.463 c1 = 158.4 c2 = -.4076E-2 c3 = -1052300. c5 = -1171.3 b1 = .62E-4 b5 = 557.4423 b6 = 415000 b7 = -.155E-4 b8 = 6.45 end dsp EoS = 8 Al(1)O2(1)H2(.5) GH = -1010096. S0 = 34.5 V0 = 1.786 c1 = 145.1 c2 = .8709E-2 c3 = 584400 c5 = -1741.1 b1 = .357E-4 b5 = 706.0073 b6 = 2280000. b7 = -.18E-5 b8 = 4.04 end gth EoS = 8 Fe(1)O2(1)H2(.5) GH = -579648.4 S0 = 60.3 V0 = 2.082 c1 = 139.3 c2 = .147E-3 c3 = -212700 c5 = -1077.8 b1 = .435E-4 b5 = 494.3528 b6 = 2500000. b7 = -.16E-5 b8 = 4.03 end cc EoS = 8 Ca(1)O2(1.5)C(1) GH = -1235369. S0 = 92.5 V0 = 3.689 c1 = 140.9 c2 = .5029E-2 c3 = -950700 c5 = -858.4 b1 = .252E-4 b5 = 426.4635 b6 = 733000 b7 = -.55E-5 b8 = 4.06 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 1240 t2 = 10 t3 = .4E-1 end arag EoS = 8 Ca(1)O2(1.5)C(1) GH = -1234464. S0 = 89.8 V0 = 3.415 c1 = 167.1 c2 = .10695E-1 c3 = 162000 c5 = -1564.9 b1 = .614E-4 b5 = 435.9016 b6 = 614000 b7 = -.96E-5 b8 = 5.87 end mag EoS = 8 Mg(1)O2(1.5)C(1) GH = -1130439. S0 = 65.5 V0 = 2.803 c1 = 186.4 c2 = -.3772E-2 c5 = -1886.2 b1 = .338E-4 b5 = 544.3193 b6 = 1028000. b7 = -.53E-5 b8 = 5.41 end sid EoS = 8 Fe(1)O2(1.5)C(1) GH = -789937.4 S0 = 93.3 V0 = 2.943 c1 = 168.4 c5 = -1483.6 b1 = .439E-4 b5 = 423.745 b6 = 1200000. b7 = -.34E-5 b8 = 4.07 end rhc EoS = 8 Mn(1)O2(1.5)C(1) GH = -921498.7 S0 = 98 V0 = 3.107 c1 = 169.5 c5 = -1534.3 b1 = .244E-4 b5 = 408.4485 b6 = 953000 b7 = -.41E-5 b8 = 3.88 end dol EoS = 8 Mg(1)Ca(1)O2(3)C(2) GH = -2372811. S0 = 156.1 V0 = 6.429 c1 = 358.9 c2 = -.4905E-2 c5 = -3456.2 b1 = .328E-4 b5 = 482.3583 b6 = 943000 b7 = -.4E-5 b8 = 3.74 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 11910 t2 = .16E-1 t3 = 11900 t4 = .16E-1 t5 = 1 t6 = 1 end ank EoS = 8 Ca(1)Fe(1)O2(3)C(2) GH = -2027529. S0 = 188.46 V0 = 6.606 c1 = 341 c2 = -.1161E-2 c5 = -3054.8 b1 = .346E-4 b5 = 420.628 b6 = 914000 b7 = -.43E-5 b8 = 3.88 transition = 1 type = 5 t1 = 11910 t2 = .16E-1 t3 = 11900 t4 = .16E-1 t5 = 1 t6 = 1 end syv EoS = 8 K(1)Cl2(.5) GH = -461127.2 S0 = 82.6 V0 = 3.752 c1 = 46.2 c2 = .1797E-1 b1 = .1109E-3 b5 = 222.7901 b6 = 170000 b7 = -.294E-4 b8 = 5 end hlt EoS = 8 Na(1)Cl2(.5) GH = -432796.6 S0 = 72.1 V0 = 2.702 c1 = 45.2 c2 = .1797E-1 b1 = .1147E-3 b5 = 250.3177 b6 = 238000 b7 = -.21E-4 b8 = 5 end pyr EoS = 8 Fe(1)S2(1) GH = -187412.1 S0 = 52.9 V0 = 2.394 c1 = 37.3 c2 = .26715E-1 c3 = -1817000. c5 = 649.3 b1 = .31E-4 b5 = 441.8167 b6 = 1395000. b7 = -.29E-5 b8 = 4.09 end trot EoS = 8 Fe(1)S2(.5) GH = -118558.8 S0 = 65.5 V0 = 1.819 c1 = 50.2 c2 = .11052E-1 c3 = -940000 b1 = .568E-4 b5 = 271.3958 b6 = 658000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4.17 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 598 t2 = 12 t3 = .41E-1 end tro EoS = 8 Fe(1)S2(.5) GH = -118879 S0 = 70.8 V0 = 1.819 c1 = 50.2 c2 = .11052E-1 c3 = -940000 b1 = .573E-4 b5 = 254.2065 b6 = 658000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4.17 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 598 t2 = 12 t3 = .41E-1 end lot EoS = 8 Fe(1)S2(.5) GH = -120059 S0 = 60 V0 = 1.818 c1 = 50.2 c2 = .11052E-1 c3 = -940000 b1 = .493E-4 b5 = 291.8771 b6 = 658000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4.17 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 420 t2 = 10 end trov EoS = 8 Fe(.88)S2(.5) GH = -113163.6 S0 = 57.5 V0 = 1.738 c1 = 51.1 c2 = .8307E-2 c3 = -669700 b1 = .594E-4 b5 = 286.6331 b6 = 658000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4.17 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 595 t2 = 10 t3 = .16E-1 end any EoS = 8 Ca(1)O2(2)S2(.5) GH = -1466272. S0 = 106.9 V0 = 4.594 c1 = 128.7 c2 = .48545E-1 c3 = -1223000. c5 = -560.5 b1 = .418E-4 b5 = 438.4774 b6 = 543800 b7 = -.77E-5 b8 = 4.19 end iron EoS = 8 Fe(1) GH = -8076.883 S0 = 27.09 V0 = .709 c1 = 46.2 c2 = .5159E-2 c3 = 723100 c5 = -556.2 b1 = .356E-4 b5 = 317.2085 b6 = 1640000. b7 = -.31E-5 b8 = 5.16 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 1042 t2 = 8.3 end Ni EoS = 8 Ni(1) GH = -8905.74 S0 = 29.87 V0 = .659 c1 = 49.8 c3 = 585900 c5 = -533.9 b1 = .428E-4 b5 = 292.9221 b6 = 1905000. b7 = -.22E-5 b8 = 4.25 transition = 1 type = 4 t1 = 631 t2 = 3 end Cu EoS = 8 Cu(1) GH = -9880.691 S0 = 33.14 V0 = .711 c1 = 12.4 c2 = .922E-2 c3 = -379900 c5 = 233.5 b1 = .358E-4 b5 = 268.7216 b6 = 1625000. b7 = -.26E-5 b8 = 4.24 end gph EoS = 8 C(1) GH = -1717.344 S0 = 5.76 V0 = .53 c1 = 34.3 c3 = -240700 c5 = -403.8 b1 = .165E-4 b5 = 871.8033 b6 = 312000 b7 = -.125E-4 b8 = 3.9 end diam EoS = 8 C(1) GH = 1186.366 S0 = 2.36 V0 = .342 c1 = 40 c3 = -28500 c5 = -580.5 b1 = .4E-5 b5 = 1208.636 b6 = 4465000. b7 = -.36E-6 b8 = 1.61 end S EoS = 8 S2(.5) GH = -9555.707 S0 = 32.05 V0 = 1.551 c1 = 56.6 c2 = -.4557E-2 c3 = 638000 c5 = -681.8 b1 = .64E-4 b5 = 276.3315 b6 = 145000 b7 = -.48E-4 b8 = 7 end H2O EoS = 101 O2(.5)H2(1) GH = -298100.7 S0 = 188.8 c1 = 40.1 c2 = .8656E-2 c3 = 487500 c5 = -251.2 end CO2 EoS = 102 O2(1)C(1) GH = -457224.7 S0 = 213.7 c1 = 87.8 c2 = -.2644E-2 c3 = 706400 c5 = -998.9 end CO EoS = 103 O2(.5)C(1) GH = -169465.3 S0 = 197.67 c1 = 45.7 c2 = -.97E-4 c3 = 662700 c5 = -414.7 end CH4 EoS = 104 H2(2)C(1) GH = -130343.4 S0 = 186.26 c1 = 150.1 c2 = .2063E-2 c3 = 3427700. c5 = -2650.4 end O2 EoS = 107 O2(1) GH = -61180.38 S0 = 205.2 c1 = 48.3 c2 = -.691E-3 c3 = 499200 c5 = -420.7 end H2 EoS = 105 H2(1) GH = -38968.2 S0 = 130.7 c1 = 23.3 c2 = .4627E-2 c5 = 76.3 end S2 EoS = 1 S2(1) GH = 59667.35 S0 = 231 c1 = 37.1 c2 = .2398E-2 c3 = -161000 c5 = -65 end H2S EoS = 106 H2(1)S2(.5) GH = -81650.32 S0 = 205.77 c1 = 47.4 c2 = .1024E-1 c3 = 615900 c5 = -397.8 end syvL EoS = 9 K(1)Cl2(.5) GH = -445585.2 S0 = 94.5 V0 = 3.822 c1 = 66.9 b1 = .301E-3 b5 = -20 b6 = 56000 b7 = -.83E-4 b8 = 4.65 end hltL EoS = 9 Na(1)Cl2(.5) GH = -416871.8 S0 = 80.1 V0 = 2.938 c1 = 72 c2 = -.3223E-2 b1 = .295E-3 b5 = -15 b6 = 64000 b7 = -.72E-4 b8 = 4.61 end perL EoS = 9 Mg(1)O2(.5) GH = -635019 S0 = -64.3 V0 = .839 c1 = 99 b1 = .226E-3 b5 = -41 b6 = 362000 b7 = -.278E-4 b8 = 10.06 end limL EoS = 9 Ca(1)O2(.5) GH = -678167.9 S0 = -47.5 V0 = 1.303 c1 = 99 b1 = .175E-3 b5 = -41 b6 = 362000 b7 = -.278E-4 b8 = 10.06 end corL EoS = 9 Al(2)O2(1.5) GH = -1636592. S0 = 14.9 V0 = 3.369 c1 = 157.6 b1 = .703E-4 b5 = -35 b6 = 150000 b7 = .4E-4 b8 = 6 end eskL EoS = 9 O2(1.5)Cr(2) GH = -1081053. S0 = 63.3 V0 = 3.709 c1 = 157.6 b1 = .703E-4 b5 = -35 b6 = 150000 b7 = .4E-4 b8 = 6 end hemL EoS = 9 Fe(2)O2(1.5) GH = -865231.4 S0 = -33.2 V0 = 3.2208 c1 = 229 b1 = .1953E-3 b5 = -46 b6 = 230000 b7 = -.174E-4 b8 = 4 end qL EoS = 9 Si(1)O2(1) GH = -925939.8 S0 = 16.3 V0 = 2.73 c1 = 82.5 b5 = -35 b6 = 220000 b7 = -.43E-4 b8 = 9.46 end h2oL EoS = 9 O2(.5)H2(1) GH = -301506.8 S0 = 66.6 V0 = 1.3355 c1 = 65 b1 = .626E-3 b5 = -10.6 b6 = 42280 b7 = -.946E-4 b8 = 4 end foL EoS = 9 Mg(2)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2218765. S0 = -62 V0 = 4.312 c1 = 269.4 b1 = .92E-4 b5 = -44 b6 = 362000 b7 = -.278E-4 b8 = 10.06 end faL EoS = 9 Si(1)Fe(2)O2(2) GH = -1491442. S0 = 96 V0 = 4.677 c1 = 243.7 b1 = .1071E-3 b5 = -55 b6 = 290000 b7 = -.359E-4 b8 = 10.42 end woL EoS = 9 Si(1)Ca(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1649278. S0 = 22.5 V0 = 3.985 c1 = 167.4 b1 = .669E-4 b5 = -20 b6 = 325000 b7 = -.308E-4 b8 = 9.38 end enL EoS = 9 Mg(2)Si(2)O2(3) GH = -3095117. S0 = -4 V0 = 6.984 c1 = 353.6 b1 = .681E-4 b5 = -24 b6 = 218000 b7 = -.33E-4 b8 = 7.2 end diL EoS = 9 Mg(1)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(3) GH = -3206342. S0 = 42.1 V0 = 7.288 c1 = 334 b1 = .851E-4 b5 = -37.3 b6 = 249000 b7 = -.323E-4 b8 = 8.04 end silL EoS = 9 Al(2)Si(1)O2(2.5) GH = -2596491. S0 = 10 V0 = 6.051 c1 = 253 b1 = .408E-4 b5 = -29 b6 = 220000 b7 = -.289E-4 b8 = 6.36 end anL EoS = 9 Al(2)Si(2)Ca(1)O2(4) GH = -4286566. S0 = 29 V0 = 10.014 c1 = 430 b1 = .514E-4 b5 = -55 b6 = 210000 b7 = -.304E-4 b8 = 6.38 end kspL EoS = 9 Al(1)Si(3)K(1)O2(4) GH = -4023861. S0 = 129.2 V0 = 11.431 c1 = 368 b1 = .493E-4 b5 = -9 b6 = 173000 b7 = -.393E-4 b8 = 6.84 end abL EoS = 9 Na(1)Al(1)Si(3)O2(4) GH = -3970103. S0 = 149.9 V0 = 10.858 c1 = 358 b1 = .337E-4 b5 = -26 b6 = 176000 b7 = -.815E-4 b8 = 14.35 end neL EoS = 9 Na(1)Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) GH = -2132812. S0 = 52.9 V0 = 5.2 c1 = 216.5 b1 = .137E-3 b5 = -8 b6 = 250000 b7 = -.295E-4 b8 = 7.37 end lcL EoS = 9 Al(1)Si(2)K(1)O2(3) GH = -3098971. S0 = 102 V0 = 8.59 c1 = 287 b1 = .67E-4 b5 = 639.1827 b6 = 175000 b7 = -.394E-4 b8 = 7 end ruL EoS = 9 Ti(1)O2(1) GH = -944598.1 S0 = 1 V0 = 1.7032 c1 = 111.8 b1 = .2901E-3 b5 = -35 b6 = 149000 b7 = -.34E-4 b8 = 8 end bdyL EoS = 9 Zr(1)O2(1) GH = -1046460. S0 = 48.9 V0 = 1.83 c1 = 90 b1 = .2E-3 b5 = -30 b6 = 149000 b7 = -.34E-4 b8 = 8 end ilm_nol EoS = 8 Ti(1)Fe(1)O2(1.5) GH = -1264371. S0 = 107.5 V0 = 3.169 c1 = 138.9 c2 = .5081E-2 c3 = -1288800. c5 = -463.7 b1 = .24E-4 b5 = 380.6729 b6 = 1700000. b7 = -.49E-5 b8 = 8.3 end SO2 EoS = 108 O2(1)S2(.5) G0 = -300194 S0 = 248.237 c1 = 46.1914 c2 = .786592E-2 c3 = -769856 end N2 EoS = 110 N2(1) S0 = 191.61 c1 = 27.75318 c2 = .60476E-3 c3 = 72831 c4 = .495984E-5 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 700 t4 = 23.52868 t5 = .1211645E-1 t6 = 121039 t7 = -.30762E-5 end HCl EoS = 118 Cl2(.5)H2(.5) GH = -148034.2 S0 = 186.8949 c1 = 29.02698 c2 = -.1987443E-2 c3 = 25508.93 c4 = .4720597E-5 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 800 t4 = 25.30716 t5 = .7863263E-2 t6 = -163841.5 t7 = -.1318421E-5 end Cv EoS = 1 Cu(1)S2(.5) G0 = -52768.6 S0 = 66.5256 V0 = 2.042 c1 = 44.3504 c2 = .110458E-1 end Bn EoS = 1 Fe(1)Cu(5)S2(2) G0 = -362770 S0 = 415.429 V0 = 9.86 c1 = 208.196 c2 = .146775 c3 = -564840 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 485 t3 = 12.3363 t4 = -143.553 t5 = 1.03345 end Cc EoS = 1 Cu(2)S2(.5) G0 = -86299.2 S0 = 120.918 V0 = 2.748 c1 = 52.8439 c2 = .787429E-1 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 376 t3 = 10.2375 t4 = 112.047 t5 = -.307524E-1 end Ccp EoS = 1 Fe(1)Cu(1)S2(1) G0 = -187862 S0 = 130.332 V0 = 4.283 c1 = 86.9854 c2 = .535552E-1 c3 = -560656 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 830 t3 = 12.1235 t4 = -591.618 t5 = .87864 end Azr EoS = 1 O2(4)H2(1)C(2)Cu(3) G0 = -1399201. S0 = 280.202 V0 = 9.101 c1 = 154.306 c2 = .324009 c3 = -384928 end Mal EoS = 1 O2(2.5)H2(1)C(1)Cu(2) G0 = -896230 S0 = 186.188 V0 = 5.486 c1 = 116.148 c2 = .183175 c3 = -560656 end NH3 EoS = 111 H2(1.5)N2(.5) GH = -103416.9 S0 = 192.7776 c1 = 24.90389 c2 = .3632064E-1 c3 = 48713 c4 = -.460882E-5 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 1000 t4 = 65.06398 t5 = .764413E-2 t6 = -.1658366E+08 t7 = -.85095E-6 end fran EoS = 8 Si(1)Ni(2)O2(2) GH = -1436246. S0 = 110.0389 V0 = 4.431 c1 = 163.1746 c2 = .1975243E-1 c3 = -2430897. c4 = .882611E-5 b1 = .282E-4 b5 = 379.7022 b6 = 1256000. b7 = -.37E-5 b8 = 4.68 end mil EoS = 8 Ni(1)S2(.5) G0 = -109805.2 S0 = 53.01122 V0 = 1.69 c1 = 45.99998 c2 = .1710001E-1 c3 = -351000 b1 = .573E-4 b5 = 254.2065 b6 = 658000 b7 = -.63E-5 b8 = 4.17 transition = 1 type = 2 t1 = 652 t3 = 9.883 t4 = 34.60001 t5 = .2849999E-1 end ACETATE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -369322. CH3COO- revised January 26th, 2016; new a1 value from complexes and organics correlation. C(2)H2(1.5)O2(1) G0 = -369321.7 S0 = 86.1904 w = 551534.9 q = -1 a1 = 4.191531 a2 = 1175.286 a3 = 28.11648 a4 = -121089.1 c1 = 110.0392 c2 = -161502.4 end ACETIC-A EoS = 16 | Gf = -396476. CH3COOH Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(2)H2(2)O2(1) G0 = -396475.8 S0 = 178.6568 w = -31798.4 a1 = 4.8116 a2 = 2301.2 a3 = 6.98728 a4 = -120080.8 c1 = 187.8616 c2 = -110039.2 end Al+3 EoS = 16 | Gf = -483708. Al(+3) Shock et al. (1997) Al(1) G0 = -483708.1 S0 = -325.0968 w = 1151855. q = 3 a1 = -1.414276 a2 = -7115.771 a3 = 60.7454 a4 = -86851.47 c1 = 44.7688 c2 = -337230.4 end AlO2- EoS = 16 | Gf = -831332. AlO2(-) Sverjensky et al. (2014) Al(1)O2(1) G0 = -831331.5 S0 = -30.20848 w = 728769.1 q = -1 a1 = 1.798283 a2 = 1044.996 a3 = -7.639147 a4 = -120595.4 c1 = 79.9144 c2 = -259408 end AlO2(SiO EoS = 16 | Gf = -1688244. AlO2(SiO2)- Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Al(1)Si(1)O2(2) G0 = -1688244 S0 = 16.736 w = 656270.4 q = -1 a1 = 3.778678 a2 = 1805.612 a3 = 5.102724 a4 = -123737.8 c1 = 164.7288 c2 = 145762.2 end BENZENE, EoS = 16 | Gf = 133888. C6H6(0) Plyasunov & Shock (2001) for c1, c2 & omega; a1 predicted with new correlation for complex species from Sver C(6)H2(3) G0 = 133888 S0 = 149.3688 w = -104600 a1 = 7.330333 a2 = 5187.14 a3 = -23.25106 a4 = -137717 c1 = 279.9096 c2 = 410032 end Ca(HCO3) EoS = 16 | Gf = -1145705. Ca(HCO3)(+) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Ca(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1145705. S0 = 108.784 w = 66088.79 q = 1 a1 = 3.105559 a2 = 1164.736 a3 = 10.47641 a4 = -121088.4 c1 = 156.9459 c2 = 307695.5 end Ca(HCOO) EoS = 16 | Gf = -911819. Ca(HCOO)+ Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Ca(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -911819.1 S0 = 46.024 w = 161132.5 q = 1 a1 = 2.135429 a2 = 241.076 a3 = 18.22121 a4 = -117270 c1 = 207.3875 c2 = 452583.3 end Ca(HSiO3 EoS = 16 | Gf = -1574435. Ca(HSiO3)+ Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Si(1)Ca(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1574435. S0 = 70.2912 w = 124382.3 q = 1 a1 = 3.621065 a2 = 1655.549 a3 = 6.360996 a4 = -123117.4 c1 = 213.8101 c2 = 486674.5 end Ca(OH)+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -716719. Ca(OH)(+) Shock et al. (1997) with new a1 prediction Ca(1)H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -716719.2 S0 = 28.0328 w = 188112.6 q = 1 a1 = .8807537 a2 = -953.4993 a3 = 28.23762 a4 = -112331.6 c1 = 46.5645 c2 = -115035.7 end Ca+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -552790. Ca(+2) Facq et al. (2014) Ca(1) G0 = -552790.1 S0 = -56.484 w = 517393.4 q = 2 a1 = -.102508 a2 = -3034.237 a3 = 20.92 a4 = -103763.2 c1 = 37.656 c2 = -105436.8 end CaCl+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -682410. CaCl(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with new V from the sum of a1 values of ions Ca(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -682410.4 S0 = 18.828 w = 195602 q = 1 a1 = 1.648166 a2 = -222.8465 a3 = 22.11116 a4 = -115352.1 c1 = 86.733 c2 = 22181.48 end CaCl2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -811696. CaCl2(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with new V from the sum of a1 values of ions Ca(1)Cl2(1) G0 = -811696 S0 = 25.104 w = -15899.2 a1 = 3.334383 a2 = 1382.599 a3 = 8.649652 a4 = -121989 c1 = 97.3351 c2 = 126757.4 end CaCO3,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -1099346. CaCO3(0) Facq et al. (2014) Ca(1)C(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -1099346 w = 836800 a1 = 2.786544 a2 = 857.72 a3 = 13.05408 a4 = -119662.4 c1 = 137.2352 c2 = -7531.2 end CaO,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -639315. CaO(0) Fitted by Dimitri to high PT retrieval's from Fang Ca(1)O2(.5) G0 = -639315.2 S0 = 66.944 w = -41840 a1 = 1.062983 a2 = -779.9993 a3 = 26.78283 a4 = -113048.8 c1 = 51.37141 c2 = -24693.97 end CaSO4,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -1309299. CaSO4(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) revised using exptl V and pred. a1 from new correlation Ca(1)S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -1309299. S0 = 20.92 w = -15899.2 a1 = 1.010419 a2 = -830.0448 a3 = 27.20246 a4 = -112842 c1 = -36.96574 c2 = -340037.9 end Cl- EoS = 16 | Gf = -131290. Cl(-) Shock & Helgeson (1988) Cl2(.5) G0 = -131289.7 S0 = 56.73504 w = 609190.4 q = -1 a1 = 1.686989 a2 = 2008.738 a3 = 23.27559 a4 = -119118.5 c1 = -18.4096 c2 = -239073.8 end CN- EoS = 16 | Gf = 172381. CN(-) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for cations C(1)N2(.5) G0 = 172380.8 S0 = 94.14 w = 539736 q = -1 a1 = 2.113859 a2 = 2876.776 a3 = 15.51577 a4 = -128166 c1 = -4.658161 c2 = -405667.5 end CO,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -120005. CO(0) Shock & McKibben (1993) for c1, c2 and omega with revised a1 from correlation for complex species C(1)O2(.5) G0 = -120005.5 S0 = 102.6335 w = -155435.6 a1 = 3.308082 a2 = 1357.558 a3 = 8.859616 a4 = -121885.5 c1 = 169.6403 c2 = 422753.5 end CO2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -385974. CO2(0) Facq et al. (2014) C(1)O2(1) G0 = -385974 S0 = 117.5704 w = -83680 a1 = 3.259336 a2 = 1313.776 a3 = 9.24664 a4 = -121754.4 c1 = 154.808 c2 = 271960 end CO3-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -527983. CO3(-2) Facq et al. (2014) C(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -527983.1 S0 = -54.1828 w = 1924640. q = -2 a1 = 2.42672 a2 = 2092 a3 = -8.368 a4 = -451872 c1 = 75.312 c2 = -836800 end Cr+2 EoS = 16 Cr(1) G0 = -153134.4 S0 = -79.496 w = 564840 q = 2 a1 = 0.1096208 a2 = -3765.6 a3 = 36.65184 a4 = -100834.4 c1 = 66.944 c2 = -164431.2 end CrOH+ EoS = 16 Cr(1)O2(0.5)H2(0.5) G0 = -352711.2 S0 = -50.6264 w = 305432 q = 1 a1 = -0.1916272 a2 = -1974.848 a3 = 36.77736 a4 = -107947.2 c1 = 77.8224 c2 = -44350.4 end CrCl+ EoS = 16 Cr(1)Cl2(0.5) G0 = -289449.12 S0 = -7.28016 w = 242672 q = 1 a1 = 1.384904 a2 = -472.792 a3 = 24.22536 a4 = -114223.2 c1 = 107.1104 c2 = 77404 end CrCl2 EoS = 16 Cr(1)Cl2(1) G0 = -419655.2 S0 = 29.74824 w = -15899.2 q = 0 a1 = 3.506192 a2 = 1543.896 a3 = 7.28016 a4 = -122591.2 c1 = 128.8672 c2 = 235977.6 end CrClOH EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(0.5)O2(0.5)Cl2(0.5) G0 = -523836.8 S0 = 92.048 w = 125520 q = 0 a1 = 3.020848 a2 = 1087.84 a3 = 11.17128 a4 = -120917.6 c1 = 123.0096 c2 = 171125.6 end Cr+3 EoS = 16 Cr(1) G0 = -191208.8 S0 = -300.8296 w = 1117128 q = 3 a1 = -3.079424 a2 = -1171.52 a3 = 56.0656 a4 = -111712.8 c1 = 69.8728 c2 = -331372.8 end CrOH+2 EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(0.5)O2(0.5) G0 = -406684.8 S0 = -171.544 w = 422584 q = 2 a1 = -1.117128 a2 = -2853.488 a3 = 44.3504 a4 = -104600 c1 = 113.8048 c2 = -45605.6 end Cr(OH)2+ EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(1)O2(1) G0 = -602496 S0 = -125.9384 w = 422584 q = 1 a1 = -0.380744 a2 = -2154.76 a3 = 38.32544 a4 = -107528.8 c1 = 90.7928 c2 = -35982.4 end Cr(OH)3 EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(1.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -814206.4 S0 = -3.7656 w = -15899.2 q = 0 a1 = 0.933032 a2 = -903.744 a3 = 27.8236 a4 = -112549.6 c1 = 107.5288 c2 = 162757.6 end Cr(OH)4- EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(2)O2(2) G0 = -977382.4 S0 = 103.7632 w = 523000 q = -1 a1 = 3.058504 a2 = 1117.128 a3 = 10.8784 a4 = -120917.6 c1 = 121.336 c2 = 37656 end CrCl+2 EoS = 16 Cr(1)Cl2(0.5) G0 = -318402.4 S0 = -188.28 w = 728016 q = 2 a1 = -0.46024 a2 = -2230.072 a3 = 38.95304 a4 = -107110.4 c1 = 87.864 c2 = -144766.4 end CrCl2+ EoS = 16 Cr(1)Cl2(1) G0 = -443922.4 S0 = -46.024 w = 301248 q = 1 a1 = 1.343064 a2 = -514.632 a3 = 24.56008 a4 = -107110.4 c1 = 52.7184 c2 = -129704 end HCrO4- EoS = 16 Cr(1)H2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -768600.8 S0 = 194.9744 w = -402919.2 q = -1 a1 = 4.47688 a2 = 2468.56 a3 = -0.476976 a4 = -126356.8 c1 = 66.5256 c2 = -114223.2 end CrO4-2 EoS = 16 Cr(1)O2(2) G0 = -731363.2 S0 = 57.7392 w = 1255200 q = -2 a1 = 4.184 a2 = -2598.264 a3 = 6.9036 a4 = -105436.8 c1 = -11.96624 c2 = -661072 end Cr2O7-2 EoS = 16 Cr(2)O2(3.5) G0 = -1309466.48 S0 = 301.248 w = 949768 q = -2 a1 = 6.98728 a2 = 4853.44 a3 = -20.58528 a4 = -136398.4 c1 = 41.75632 c2 = -374886.4 end Cu+ EoS = 16 | Gf = 49999. Cu(+) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for cations Cu(1) G0 = 49998.8 S0 = 40.5848 w = 140205.8 q = 1 a1 = .5421455 a2 = -3012.722 a3 = 32.82242 a4 = -103818.8 c1 = 72.31214 c2 = -10203.06 end Cu+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = 65584. Cu(+2) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for cations Cu(1) G0 = 65584.2 S0 = -97.0688 w = 617935 q = 2 a1 = -.6182435 a2 = -3973.073 a3 = 41.92961 a4 = -99848.68 c1 = 77.26877 c2 = -145950.9 end DIGLYCIN EoS = 16 | Gf = -498314. C4H8O3N2 Jamie & Dimitri fit to exptl Cp(T) and pred. a1-a4; delGf and S from fitting logK dimerisation values from Lemke et al. (2 C(4)H2(4)O2(1.5)N2(1) G0 = -498314.4 S0 = 310.8712 w = -460240 a1 = 6.614904 a2 = 4506.168 a3 = -17.53096 a4 = -134724.8 c1 = 171.9624 c2 = -481160 end DKP,AQ EoS = 16 | Gf = -261500. C4H6O2N2 Jamie & Dimitri fit delGf and S from to logK dimerisation values from Lemke et al. (2009); C(4)H2(3)O2(1)N2(1) G0 = -261500 S0 = 263.592 w = -196731.7 a1 = 6.776658 a2 = 4659.986 a3 = -18.83093 a4 = -135537.7 c1 = 49.36224 c2 = 17921.23 end ETHANE,A EoS = 16 | Gf = -16259. C2H6 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(2)H2(3) G0 = -16259.02 S0 = 112.173 w = -169870.4 a1 = 4.71504 a2 = 2697.121 a3 = -2.372493 a4 = -127423.3 c1 = 226.6701 c2 = 625596.7 end ETHANOL, EoS = 16 | Gf = -181293. C2H5OH Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(2)H2(3)O2(.5) G0 = -181292.7 S0 = 150.2056 w = -85228.08 a1 = 3.863213 a2 = 4166.469 a3 = 50.81259 a4 = -133494.7 c1 = 251.1132 c2 = 6305.288 end ETHYLENE EoS = 16 | Gf = 81379. C2H4 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) for c1, c2 & omega; a1 predicted with new correlation for complex species from Sv C(2)H2(2) G0 = 81378.8 S0 = 119.6624 w = -129704 a1 = 4.311766 a2 = 2313.164 a3 = .8469498 a4 = -125836 c1 = 177.8959 c2 = 443208.2 end F- EoS = 16 | Gf = -281751. F(-) Shock & Helgeson (1988) F2(.5) G0 = -281750.6 S0 = -13.1796 w = 747680.8 q = -1 a1 = .2874408 a2 = 568.5219 a3 = 31.81221 a4 = -118624.8 c1 = 18.66064 c2 = -313297.9 end Fecho+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -468190. Fe(CH3COO)(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the c Fe(1)C(2)H2(1.5)O2(1) G0 = -468189.6 S0 = -6.276 w = 240831 q = 1 a1 = 2.799339 a2 = 873.1844 a3 = 12.92104 a4 = -119883.1 c1 = 247.097 c2 = 565082.7 end Fecho0 EoS = 16 | Gf = -844331. Fe(CH3COO)2(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised volume increased in order that a1 o Fe(1)C(4)H2(3)O2(2) G0 = -844331.2 S0 = 48.24152 w = -15899.2 a1 = 6.064634 a2 = 3982.069 a3 = -13.14665 a4 = -132735.2 c1 = 476.0099 c2 = 1442934. end Fe(HCOO) EoS = 16 | Gf = -467771. Fe(HCOO)+ Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Fe(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -467771.2 S0 = 246.856 w = -143007.4 q = 1 a1 = 2.761493 a2 = 837.1508 a3 = 13.22318 a4 = -119734.1 c1 = 86.18849 c2 = 128716.6 end Fe(HSiO3 EoS = 16 | Gf = -1161060. Fe(HSiO3)+ Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Si(1)Fe(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1161060 S0 = 58.576 w = 142123.8 q = 1 a1 = 3.808341 a2 = 1833.854 a3 = 4.865921 a4 = -123854.5 c1 = 227.705 c2 = 529288.6 end Fe(OH)+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -275516. FeOH(+) G, S, Cp from SSWS97 regression of Sweeton & Baes (1970); V from estimate to have similar behavior to MgO Fe(1)H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -275516.4 S0 = -41.84 w = 294193.8 q = 1 a1 = .9397617 a2 = -897.3178 a3 = 27.76654 a4 = -112563.8 c1 = 89.68589 c2 = 874.456 end Fe+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -91504. Fe(+2) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for cations Fe(1) G0 = -91504.08 S0 = -105.8552 w = 609776.2 q = 2 a1 = -.3829692 a2 = -3906.015 a3 = 40.22138 a4 = -100125.9 c1 = 62.6067 c2 = -194299.9 end Fe+3 EoS = 16 | Gf = -17238. Fe(+3) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for cations Fe(1) G0 = -17238.08 S0 = -277.3992 w = 1079974. q = 3 a1 = -2.647276 a2 = -1488.173 a3 = 53.34302 a4 = -110121.3 c1 = 79.68886 c2 = -285490.9 end FeCl+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -221878. FeCl(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the complex is th Fe(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -221877.5 S0 = -42.09104 w = 293005.5 q = 1 a1 = 1.24797 a2 = -603.8728 a3 = 25.30603 a4 = -113776.9 c1 = 103.2346 c2 = 48346.85 end FeCl+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -157205. FeCl(+2) Fit to Tagirov et al. (2000) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the comp Fe(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -157205.4 S0 = -120.0808 w = 624475.7 q = 2 a1 = -.6082237 a2 = -2371.153 a3 = 40.12451 a4 = -106471 c1 = 91.42486 c2 = -98842.4 end FeCl2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -307440. FeCl2(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the complex is th Fe(1)Cl2(1) G0 = -307440.3 S0 = 179.912 w = -15899.2 a1 = 2.936221 a2 = 1003.51 a3 = 11.82828 a4 = -120421.9 c1 = 93.33807 c2 = 112864.8 end FeCl2+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -290491. FeCl2(+) Fit to Liu et al. (2006) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the complex a bit great Fe(1)Cl2(1) G0 = -290490.9 S0 = -8.368 w = 243969 q = 1 a1 = 1.403216 a2 = -456.0634 a3 = 24.06666 a4 = -114388 c1 = 60.78316 c2 = -83501.34 end FeCl3,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -415500. FeCl3(0) Fit to Liu et al. (2006) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the complex is equal Fe(1)Cl2(1.5) G0 = -415500.5 S0 = 75.312 w = 125520 a1 = 3.735371 a2 = 1764.379 a3 = 5.44846 a4 = -123567.3 c1 = -31.29327 c2 = -365606.3 end FeCl4- EoS = 16 | Gf = -535205. FeCl4(-) Fit to Liu et al. (200vv6) with revised volume increased in order that a1 of the compl Fe(1)Cl2(2) G0 = -535204.7 S0 = 108.784 w = 517267.9 q = -1 a1 = 5.418412 a2 = 3366.801 a3 = -7.987697 a4 = -130191.7 c1 = -161.6985 c2 = -944305 end FeO,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -212212. FeO(0) G, S, Cp from SSWS97 regression of Sweeton & Baes (1970); V from estimate to have similar behavior to MgO,aq Fe(1)O2(.5) G0 = -212212.5 S0 = 12.552 | MISSING w parameter a1 = -.8969824 a2 = 2776.373 a3 = -11.25652 a4 = 373650.2 c1 = -12.69677 c2 = 12552 end FORMATE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -350879. HCOO- Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for ions C(1)H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -350878.6 S0 = 90.7928 w = 544045.5 q = -1 a1 = 2.204285 a2 = 3214.837 a3 = 14.52091 a4 = -129563.5 c1 = 71.128 c2 = -518816 end FORMIC-A EoS = 16 | Gf = -372301. HCOOH Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(1)H2(1)O2(1) G0 = -372300.7 S0 = 162.7576 w = -144013.3 a1 = 3.385881 a2 = 1431.631 a3 = 8.238526 a4 = -122191.7 c1 = 92.853 c2 = -130524.1 end GLUTAMAT EoS = 16 | Gf = -699807. C5H8NO4- Revised 1/22/15 based on V at 25 C from Ziemer & Woolley (2007) and predicted a1, a2, and a4; c1 and c2 from fits to delCpr C(5)H2(4)O2(2)N2(.5) G0 = -699807.5 S0 = 185.7696 w = 400367 q = -1 a1 = 7.305264 a2 = 5163.056 a3 = -23.05384 a4 = -137653.6 c1 = 209.2 c2 = -619232 end GLUTAMIC EoS = 16 | Gf = -724041. C5H9NO4 Revised 1/22/15 based on fitting Cp and V vs T data from Hakin et al. (1994) + revised correlation for a1 from Sverjensky e C(5)H2(4.5)O2(2)N2(.5) G0 = -724041.2 S0 = 256.0608 w = 292880 a1 = 8.07512 a2 = 5564.72 a3 = -18.4096 a4 = -139327.2 c1 = 289.5328 c2 = -385764.8 end GLUTAMIN EoS = 16 | Gf = -528356. C5H10N2O3 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(5)H2(5)N2(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -528355.5 S0 = 261.1234 w = 75312 a1 = 8.287458 a2 = 6098.431 a3 = -30.89215 a4 = -141486.1 c1 = 140.0812 c2 = 246123.8 end GLUTARAT EoS = 16 | Gf = -714878. C5H7O4- Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(5)H2(3.5)O2(2) G0 = -714878.2 S0 = 221.3336 w = 346393.4 q = -1 a1 = 7.783037 a2 = 5618.159 a3 = -26.86512 a4 = -139498.8 c1 = 107.0221 c2 = 44415.74 end GLUTARIC EoS = 16 | Gf = -739648. C5H8O4 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(5)H2(4)O2(2) G0 = -739647.5 S0 = 306.2688 w = -41840 a1 = 8.667958 a2 = 6460.692 a3 = -33.92968 a4 = -142981.9 c1 = 179.1378 c2 = 419389.1 end GLYCINE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -380535. C2H5NO2 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(2)H2(2.5)O2(1)N2(.5) G0 = -380534.8 S0 = 164.4312 w = 83680 a1 = 4.51872 a2 = 543.92 a3 = 31.7984 a4 = -146440 c1 = 117.152 c2 = -343088 end GLYCOLAT EoS = 16 | Gf = -506975. C2H3O3- Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(2)H2(1.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -506975.3 S0 = 109.6208 w = 516054.6 q = -1 a1 = 2.819269 a2 = 5520.075 a3 = 7.748272 a4 = -139093.4 c1 = 89.28219 c2 = -71571.73 end GLYCOLIC EoS = 16 | Gf = -528858. C2H4O3 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(2)H2(2)O2(1.5) G0 = -528857.6 S0 = 180.3304 w = -126231.3 a1 = 4.780671 a2 = 2759.609 a3 = -2.896444 a4 = -127681.6 c1 = 125.7425 c2 = 260824.1 end H+ EoS = 16 | Gf = 0. H(+) Perfectly known, by convention! H2(.5) q = 1 HOH = 1 end H2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = 17723. H2(0) Shock et al. (1989) H2(1) G0 = 17723.42 S0 = 57.7392 w = -87445.6 a1 = 2.151706 a2 = 1998.195 a3 = 16.20421 a4 = -124532.6 c1 = 115.5834 c2 = 213091.1 end H2CO3,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -608354. H2CO3(0) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) C(1)H2(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -608353.6 S0 = 179.912 w = -125520 a1 = 4.313772 a2 = 2315.075 a3 = .8309284 a4 = -125843.9 c1 = 226.3422 c2 = 610255.2 end H2S,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -27920. H2S(0) Shock et al. (1989) with revised prediction of a1 using new correlation H2(1)S2(.5) G0 = -27919.83 S0 = 125.52 w = -41840 a1 = 3.453581 a2 = 1496.088 a3 = 7.698061 a4 = -122458.2 c1 = 126.9767 c2 = 238090.7 end HAlO2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -868180. HAlO2(0) Sverjensky et al. (2014) Al(1)H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -868180 S0 = -27.196 w = 209200 a1 = 1.792826 a2 = -85.11584 a3 = 20.9563 a4 = -115921.5 c1 = 161.5482 c2 = 277865.7 end HCl,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -127235. HCl(0) Regression of Ruaya & Seward (1987) & Tagirov et al. (1997) with new full correlations H2(.5)Cl2(.5) G0 = -127235.4 S0 = 13.3888 w = -83680 a1 = 1.81486 a2 = -64.13763 a3 = 20.7804 a4 = -116008.2 c1 = 113.723 c2 = 205421.8 end HCN,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = 119662. HCN(0) Shock & McKibben (1993) for c1, c2 and omega with revised a1 from correlation for complex species C(1)H2(.5)N2(.5) G0 = 119662.4 S0 = 124.6832 w = -46567.92 a1 = 4.343516 a2 = 2343.394 a3 = .5934743 a4 = -125961 c1 = 121.3106 c2 = 219910.6 end HCO3- EoS = 16 | Gf = -586940. HCO3(-) Facq et al. (2014) C(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -586939.9 S0 = 98.44952 w = 532748.7 q = -1 a1 = 3.20076 a2 = 384.928 a3 = 2.5104 a4 = -117988.8 c1 = 46.024 c2 = -158992 end | there are two entries for HCrO4- in the DEW19 spreadsheet, this (the second) is identical to the data in DEW17, | therefore it is assumed the first entry (above) is the entry intended for the DEW19 version. JADC, 4/28/2022 | |HCrO4- EoS = 16 | Gf = -764835. HCrO4(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species |Cr(1)H2(.5)O2(2) |G0 = -764835.2 S0 = 184.096 w = 402584.5 q = -1 |a1 = 4.404584 a2 = 2401.537 a3 = .1059535 a4 = -126201.3 c1 = 112.9139 c2 = 46900.93 |end HEXANE,A EoS = 16 | Gf = 18493. C6H14 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) for c1, c2 & omega; a1 predicted with new correlation for complex species from Sverjen C(6)H2(7) G0 = 18493.28 S0 = 222.5888 w = -196648 a1 = 9.805163 a2 = 7543.424 a3 = -43.00828 a4 = -147457.9 c1 = 451.872 c2 = 962320 end HFeO2- EoS = 16 | Gf = -394970. HFeO2(-) G, S, Cp from SSWS97 regression of Sweeton & Baes (1970); V from estimate to have similar behavior to MgO Fe(1)H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -394969.6 S0 = 83.68 w = -418400 q = -1 a1 = .715587 a2 = 1424.248 a3 = -11.92316 a4 = 1512992. c1 = 6.053411 c2 = 77665.92 end HO2- EoS = 16 | Gf = -67362. HO2(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species H2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -67362.4 S0 = 23.8488 w = 646386.2 q = -1 a1 = 1.409339 a2 = -450.2336 a3 = 24.01778 a4 = -114412.1 c1 = 11.2995 c2 = -384353.7 end HS- EoS = 16 | Gf = 11966. HS(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species H2(.5)S2(.5) G0 = 11966.24 S0 = 68.1992 w = 602914.4 q = -1 a1 = 2.603292 a2 = 686.5283 a3 = 14.48614 a4 = -119111.5 c1 = 25.93701 c2 = -319557.1 end HSiO3- EoS = 16 | Gf = -1016105. HSiO3(-) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Si(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1016105. S0 = -14.644 w = 703792.3 q = -1 a1 = 2.696371 a2 = 775.1484 a3 = 13.74307 a4 = -119477.8 c1 = 129.8736 c2 = 9397.264 end HSO3- EoS = 16 | Gf = -527728. HSO3(-) Sverjensky et al. (1997) revised using published estimated V and pred. a1 from new correlation H2(.5)S2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -527727.9 S0 = 139.7456 w = 469988.7 q = -1 a1 = 2.803866 a2 = 3590.541 a3 = 9.945786 a4 = -131118.2 c1 = 65.66746 c2 = -138900.4 end HSO4- EoS = 16 | Gf = -755756. HSO4(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species H2(.5)S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -755755.9 S0 = 125.52 w = 491536.3 q = -1 a1 = 3.73216 a2 = 1761.323 a3 = 5.474089 a4 = -123554.7 c1 = 84.08181 c2 = -81795.85 end HSO5- EoS = 16 | Gf = -637516. HSO5(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species H2(.5)S2(.5)O2(2.5) G0 = -637516.1 S0 = 212.1288 w = 360284.2 q = -1 a1 = 4.928688 a2 = 2900.536 a3 = -4.078103 a4 = -128264.2 c1 = 130.5936 c2 = 121896.1 end Isobutan EoS = 16 | Gf = 151. C4H10(0) G, H, S, Cp, V from Shock & Helgeson (1990); a1 estimated with Sverjensky et al. (2014; c2 estimated with a new hydro C(4)H2(5) G0 = 150.624 S0 = 167.4437 w = -125520 a1 = 7.305264 a2 = 5163.056 a3 = -23.05384 a4 = -137653.6 c1 = 386.1832 c2 = 799980.8 end K+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -282462. K(+) Shock & Helgeson (1988) K(1) G0 = -282461.8 S0 = 101.0436 w = 80625.68 q = 1 a1 = 1.489086 a2 = -616.3032 a3 = 22.74004 a4 = -113470.1 c1 = 30.9616 c2 = -74935.44 end KCl,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -413588. KCl(0) May, 2017 Fitted to logKs from Oelkers & Helgeson (1988) + retrieved logKs from Hemley experiments at 1.0 kb using t K(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -413588.4 S0 = 142.256 w = 41840 a1 = 3.418958 a2 = 1463.123 a3 = 7.974467 a4 = -122321.9 c1 = 25.9776 c2 = -139751.9 end KOH,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -430115. KOH(0) Fitted to Ho & Palmer (1997) data with a1 pred. from the sum of the ions and used to predict the volume K(1)H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -430115.2 S0 = 151.8792 w = 200832 a1 = 2.381992 a2 = 475.8284 a3 = 16.25284 a4 = -118240.4 c1 = 28.36486 c2 = -182365.9 end KSO4- EoS = 16 | Gf = -1031649. KSO4(-) Revised G, S and Cp to fit Noyes et al. (1906) & Sharygin et al. (2006) with a1 of the complex equal to t K(1)S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -1031649. S0 = 142.256 w = 460072.6 q = -1 a1 = 4.976565 a2 = 2946.119 a3 = -4.460317 a4 = -128452.6 c1 = 14.24101 c2 = -314469.4 end LACTATE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -512666. C3H5O3- Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for ions C(3)H2(2.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -512665.5 S0 = 133.4696 w = 479863 q = -1 a1 = 3.555424 a2 = 8278.58 a3 = -.3577639 a4 = -150497 c1 = 135.4797 c2 = 100587.9 end LACTIC-A EoS = 16 | Gf = -534715. C3H6O3 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(3)H2(3)O2(1.5) G0 = -534715.2 S0 = 208.3632 w = -107612.5 a1 = 6.222155 a2 = 4132.045 a3 = -14.40419 a4 = -133355.2 c1 = 179.4401 c2 = 441501.3 end LEUCINE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -343088. C6H13NO2 Shock & Helgeson (1990) revised with new predicted a1 for complex species C(6)H2(6.5)O2(1)N2(.5) G0 = -343088 S0 = 215.476 w = -184054.2 a1 = 9.288714 a2 = 7051.713 a3 = -38.88533 a4 = -145425.1 c1 = 242.0373 c2 = 683551 end METHANE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -34451. CH4 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) for c1, c2 & omega; a1 predicted with new correlation for complex species from Sverjensky et al. (2014) C(1)H2(2) G0 = -34451.06 S0 = 87.82216 w = -167360 a1 = 3.481088 a2 = 1522.976 a3 = 7.48936 a4 = -122591.2 c1 = 171.1256 c2 = 269868 end METHANOL EoS = 16 | Gf = -175937. CH3OH Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(1)H2(2)O2(.5) G0 = -175937.2 S0 = 132.2144 w = -62760 a1 = 3.51456 a2 = 1715.44 a3 = -1.00416 a4 = -59831.2 c1 = 143.9296 c2 = 40166.4 end Mg(HCO3) EoS = 16 | Gf = -1047172. Mg(HCO3)(+) Fit to Stfansson et al. (2014) & Siebert & Hostetler (1977); plus revised V increased so that a1 o Mg(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1047172. S0 = -20.92 w = 262512.5 q = 1 a1 = 2.866619 a2 = 937.2415 a3 = 12.38393 a4 = -120147.9 c1 = 194.6588 c2 = 375878 end Mg(HSiO3 EoS = 16 | Gf = -1477057. Mg(HSiO3)(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with new a1 from the sum of the ions and V predicted from a Mg(1)Si(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1477057. S0 = -99.49552 w = 381507.3 q = 1 a1 = 1.022271 a2 = -818.761 a3 = 27.10785 a4 = -112888.6 c1 = 153.6864 c2 = 195364.9 end Mg+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -453985. Mg(+2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) Mg(1) G0 = -453984.9 S0 = -138.072 w = 643164.5 q = 2 a1 = -.3437993 a2 = -3597.822 a3 = 35.10376 a4 = -99997.6 c1 = 87.0272 c2 = -246521.3 end MgCl+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -584505. MgCl(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) revised V increased so that a1 of the complex is the sum of the a1 values of the ions Mg(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -584504.8 S0 = -79.496 w = 353506.2 q = 1 a1 = 1.343064 a2 = -2058.528 a3 = 26.23368 a4 = -107947.2 c1 = 119.6624 c2 = 86106.72 end MgCO3,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -998972. MgCO3(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) revised volume increased in order that a1 of the complex is the sum of the Mg(1)C(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -998971.8 S0 = -100.416 w = 125520 a1 = 2.15085 a2 = 255.7586 a3 = 18.0981 a4 = -117330.7 c1 = -23.44661 c2 = -338333.3 end MgO,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -575300. MgO(0) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Mg(1)O2(.5) G0 = -575300 S0 = 102.9264 w = 125520 a1 = 1.200138 a2 = -649.4139 a3 = 25.68789 a4 = -113588.7 c1 = -22.71098 c2 = -335776.5 end MgOH+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -624357. MgOH(+) Revised by Dimitri, January, 2019; with minimum volume needed Mg(1)H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -624357.4 S0 = -75.312 w = 353506.2 q = 1 a1 = .9682112 a2 = -870.2311 a3 = 27.53942 a4 = -112675.8 c1 = 156.4523 c2 = 213944.7 end MgSiC+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -1900791. Mg(SiO2)(HCO3)+ Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Mg(1)Si(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(2.5) G0 = -1900791. S0 = 200.832 w = -73308.7 q = 1 a1 = 4.948247 a2 = 2919.158 a3 = -4.234247 a4 = -128341.2 c1 = 211.5357 c2 = 542072.8 end MgSO4,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -1211055. MgSO4(0) S, Cp, V, omega from fit to Akilan et al. (2006a) and Frantz et al. (1994) Mg(1)S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -1211055. S0 = -4.184 w = 20920 a1 = 3.490181 a2 = 1530.934 a3 = 7.405874 a4 = -122602.2 c1 = 76.77004 c2 = 43488.5 end Mn+2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -228028. Mn(+2) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for cations Mn(1) G0 = -228028 S0 = -73.6384 w = 586011 q = 2 a1 = -.4722822 a2 = -2241.724 a3 = 39.03925 a4 = -107006.1 c1 = 69.73599 c2 = -161910.4 end MnCl+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -361037. MnCl(+) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised a1 equal to the sum of the ions used to predict new value Mn(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -361037.4 S0 = 50.208 w = 154222.2 q = 1 a1 = 1.222031 a2 = -628.5696 a3 = 25.51311 a4 = -113674.9 c1 = 100.4031 c2 = 82945.55 end MnO4- EoS = 16 | Gf = -447270. MnO4(-) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for ions Mn(1)O2(2) G0 = -447269.6 S0 = 191.2088 w = 391957.1 q = -1 a1 = 2.883736 a2 = 5761.644 a3 = 7.038408 a4 = -140092 c1 = 57.49853 c2 = -142305.8 end MnO4-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -500825. MnO4(-2) Shock et al. (1997) revised with new predicted a1 for ions Mn(1)O2(2) G0 = -500824.8 S0 = 58.576 w = 1256204. q = -2 a1 = 4.960708 a2 = -2382.96 a3 = 1.423189 a4 = -106422.2 c1 = -3.876457 c2 = -632374 end MnSO4,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -985918. MnSO4(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised a1 equal to the sum of the ions used to predict n Mn(1)S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -985917.8 S0 = 20.92 w = -15899.2 a1 = 3.001227 a2 = 1065.402 a3 = 11.30932 a4 = -120677.7 c1 = -28.33382 c2 = -310035.5 end N2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = 18188. N2(0) Shock et al. (1989) + new a1 predicted for complex species N2(1) G0 = 18187.85 S0 = 95.8136 w = -145101.1 a1 = 3.27243 a2 = 1323.613 a3 = 9.144241 a4 = -121745.2 c1 = 149.7499 c2 = 350310.1 end Na(Ac),a EoS = 16 | Gf = -630612. NaCH3COO(0) G, H, S, Cp, V from Shock & Koretsky (1993); a1 estimated with Sverjensky et al. (2014) Na(1)C(2)H2(1.5)O2(1) G0 = -630612.5 S0 = 143.0928 w = 125520 a1 = 4.677957 a2 = 2661.815 a3 = -2.076455 a4 = -127277.3 c1 = 221.5164 c2 = 513095.2 end Na(Ac)2- EoS = 16 | Gf = -997758. Na(CH3COO)2(-1) G, H, S, Cp, V from Shock & Koretsky (1993); a1 estimated with Sverjensky et al. (2014) Na(1)C(4)H2(3)O2(2) G0 = -997758.5 S0 = 184.096 w = 402820.5 q = -1 a1 = 9.21512 a2 = 6981.645 a3 = -38.29781 a4 = -145135.5 c1 = 479.7662 c2 = 1321910. end Na+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -261881. Na(+) Shock & Helgeson (1988) Na(1) G0 = -261880.7 S0 = 58.40864 w = 138323 q = 1 a1 = .7694376 a2 = -956.044 a3 = 13.6231 a4 = -114055.8 c1 = 76.06512 c2 = -124725 end NaCl,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -388735. NaCl(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with new predicted a1 value Na(1)Cl2(.5) G0 = -388735.4 S0 = 117.152 w = -15899.2 a1 = 2.578694 a2 = 663.108 a3 = 14.68252 a4 = -119014.6 c1 = 45.1995 c2 = -54452.54 end NaCO3- EoS = 16 | Gf = -797311. NaCO3(-) Fit to Stefansson et al. (2013; 80 to 200 C) & Garrels et al., (1961; at 25 C) to get G, S and Cp; with a1 p Na(1)C(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -797311.4 S0 = 33.472 w = 630925.4 q = -1 a1 = 3.197719 a2 = 1252.482 a3 = 9.740673 a4 = -121451.1 c1 = 81.47511 c2 = -135490.5 end NaHCO3,a EoS = 16 | Gf = -849770. NaHCO3(0) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Na(1)C(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -849770.4 S0 = 133.888 w = 334720 a1 = 3.965727 a2 = 1983.701 a3 = 3.60947 a4 = -124474 c1 = 208.6674 c2 = 401446.4 end NaHSiO3, EoS = 16 | Gf = -1285074. NaHSiO3(0) Sverjensky et al. (1997) with revised a1 equal to the sum of the ions used to predic Na(1)Si(1)H2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -1285074. S0 = 79.496 w = -15899.2 a1 = 2.148024 a2 = 253.0675 a3 = 18.12067 a4 = -117319.5 c1 = 30.07439 c2 = -107023.5 end NaOH,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -422166. NaOH(0) Fitted to Ho & Palmer (1997) data with a1 pred. from the sum of the ions and used to predict the volume Na(1)H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -422165.6 S0 = 27.196 w = 83680 a1 = 1.651362 a2 = -219.8033 a3 = 22.08564 a4 = -115364.7 c1 = 136.4978 c2 = 230990.3 end NH3,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -26706. NH3(0) Shock et al. (1989) + new a1 H2(1.5)N2(.5) G0 = -26706.47 S0 = 107.8217 w = -20920 a1 = 2.611226 a2 = 694.0816 a3 = 14.42281 a4 = -119142.7 c1 = 68.95058 c2 = 29707.86 end NH4+ EoS = 16 | Gf = -79454. NH4(+) Shock & Helgeson (1988) + new a1 H2(2)N2(.5) G0 = -79454.16 S0 = 111.1689 w = 62843.68 q = 1 a1 = 2.139485 a2 = 244.9373 a3 = 18.18884 a4 = -117285.9 c1 = 70.88183 c2 = 9598.045 end NO2- EoS = 16 | Gf = -32217. NO2(-) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions O2(1)N2(.5) G0 = -32216.8 S0 = 123.0096 w = 495678.5 q = -1 a1 = 2.138424 a2 = 2968.825 a3 = 15.24528 a4 = -128546.5 c1 = 14.33411 c2 = -325547.3 end NO3- EoS = 16 | Gf = -110905. NO3(-) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions O2(1.5)N2(.5) G0 = -110905.3 S0 = 146.9421 w = 459277.7 q = -1 a1 = 2.310574 a2 = 3613.903 a3 = 13.34968 a4 = -131213.2 c1 = 28.68706 c2 = -264004.1 end O2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = 16544. O2(0) Shock et al. (1989) O2(1) G0 = 16543.54 S0 = 108.9514 w = -164975.1 a1 = 2.422076 a2 = 2658.346 a3 = 13.60972 a4 = -127264.7 c1 = 147.917 c2 = 350309.6 end OH- EoS = 16 | Gf = -157297. OH(-) August 16th, 2013 fit to Bandura & Lvov (2005) H2(.5)O2(.5) G0 = -157297.5 S0 = -20.92 w = 719648 q = -1 a1 = .87864 a2 = -2092 a3 = 4.184 a4 = -112968 c1 = 50.71008 c2 = -314636.8 HOH = 2 end PROPANE, EoS = 16 | Gf = -8213. C3H8 Shock & Helgeson (1990) with new a1-a4 based on revised correlation to predict a1 C(3)H2(4) G0 = -8213.192 S0 = 139.6201 w = -211417.5 a1 = 5.978973 a2 = 3900.511 a3 = -12.4628 a4 = -132398.1 c1 = 277.5228 c2 = 815651.3 end PROPANOA EoS = 16 | Gf = -363046. C2H5COO- Revised a1 from new delVn correlation for -1 ions; kept original regression c1 and c2 plus C(3)H2(2.5)O2(1) G0 = -363045.7 S0 = 110.876 w = 513627.8 q = -1 a1 = 3.505614 a2 = 8090.395 a3 = .1923725 a4 = -149719.1 c1 = 218.8232 c2 = -175728 end PROPANOI EoS = 16 | Gf = -390995. C3H6O2 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(3)H2(3)O2(1) G0 = -390994.8 S0 = 206.6896 w = -37656 a1 = 6.10864 a2 = 3305.36 a3 = 28.8696 a4 = -179912 c1 = 264.8472 c2 = -58576 end PROPANOL EoS = 16 | Gf = -175351. C3H7OH Plyasunov & Shock (2001) C(3)H2(4)O2(.5) G0 = -175351.4 S0 = 169.8704 w = -83680 a1 = 6.10864 a2 = 3807.44 a3 = 51.0448 a4 = -230120 c1 = 310.8712 c2 = 138072 end S2-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = 79496. S2(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1) G0 = 79496 S0 = 28.4512 w = 1300513. q = -2 a1 = 4.266631 a2 = -2580.786 a3 = 6.462593 a4 = -105604.4 c1 = -14.01514 c2 = -681801.7 end S2O3-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -522582. S2O3(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1)O2(1.5) G0 = -522581.6 S0 = 66.944 w = 1242397. q = -2 a1 = 5.062637 a2 = -2353.908 a3 = .6831273 a4 = -106542.3 c1 = -.2421202 c2 = -615320.7 end S2O4-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -600404. S2O4(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1)O2(2) G0 = -600404 S0 = 92.048 w = 1203820. q = -2 a1 = 5.730095 a2 = -2163.669 a3 = -4.163005 a4 = -107328.8 c1 = 6.991073 c2 = -577827.2 end S2O5-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -790776. S2O5(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1)O2(2.5) G0 = -790776 S0 = 104.6 w = 1185871. q = -2 a1 = 6.019607 a2 = -2081.152 a3 = -6.265026 a4 = -107669.9 c1 = 11.22296 c2 = -557370.6 end S2O6-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -966504. S2O6(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1)O2(3) G0 = -966504 S0 = 125.52 w = 1154240. q = -2 a1 = 6.491129 a2 = -1946.759 a3 = -9.688554 a4 = -108225.5 c1 = 18.11754 c2 = -523278.1 end S2O8-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -1115036. S2O8(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1)O2(4) G0 = -1115036 S0 = 244.3456 w = 974077 q = -2 a1 = 9.956172 a2 = -959.1524 a3 = -34.84677 a4 = -112308.2 c1 = 54.23849 c2 = -340040.1 end S3- EoS = 16 | Gf = 55061. S3(-) Regression of data from Pokrovski & Dubessy (2015, Guggenheim (1971); Feb. 2015 S2(1.5) G0 = 55061.44 S0 = 96.232 w = 669440 q = -1 a1 = 7.21406 a2 = 5076.437 a3 = -22.32283 a4 = -137259.3 c1 = 320.4233 c2 = 682699.1 end S3-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = 73638. S3(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1.5) G0 = 73638.4 S0 = 66.1072 w = 1244698. q = -2 a1 = 5.133981 a2 = -2333.573 a3 = .1651262 a4 = -106626.4 c1 = -1.503308 c2 = -620441.1 end S3O6-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -958136. S3O6(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(1.5)O2(3) G0 = -958136 S0 = 138.072 w = 1135161. q = -2 a1 = 6.790004 a2 = -1861.574 a3 = -11.85856 a4 = -108577.6 c1 = 22.24529 c2 = -502821.7 end S4-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = 69036. S4(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(2) G0 = 69036 S0 = 103.3448 w = 1187838. q = -2 a1 = 5.990776 a2 = -2089.37 a3 = -6.055695 a4 = -107635.9 c1 = 10.91296 c2 = -559077.8 end S4O6-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -1040561. S4O6(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(2)O2(3) G0 = -1040561. S0 = 257.316 w = 954161.2 q = -2 a1 = 9.534209 a2 = -1079.42 a3 = -31.78307 a4 = -111811 c1 = 61.47692 c2 = -308503.8 end S5-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = 65689. S5(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(2.5) G0 = 65688.8 S0 = 140.5824 w = 1131814. q = -2 a1 = 6.848042 a2 = -1845.032 a3 = -12.27994 a4 = -108646 c1 = 23.16289 c2 = -498560.5 end S5O6-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -958136. S5O6(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(2.5)O2(3) G0 = -958136 S0 = 167.36 w = 1091020. q = -2 a1 = 7.464201 a2 = -1669.414 a3 = -16.75362 a4 = -109372 c1 = 31.90998 c2 = -455095.1 end Si2O4,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -1676742. Si2O4(0) Fit to Raman speciation and quartz solubility data (Sverjensky et al., 2014). Si(2)O2(2) G0 = -1676742. S0 = 75.312 w = 41840 a1 = 4.214292 a2 = 1126.793 a3 = 2.809556 a4 = -120930.2 c1 = 149.8077 c2 = 290649.9 end Si3O6,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -2469397. Si3O6(0) Huang & Sverjensky (2019) Si(3)O2(3) G0 = -2469397. S0 = 54.392 w = 418400 a1 = 6.337953 a2 = 4242.296 a3 = -15.32864 a4 = -133811 c1 = 356.1453 c2 = 887246.5 end SiO2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -834946. SiO2(0) Fit to Raman speciation and quartz solubility data (Sverjensky et al., 2014). Si(1)O2(1) G0 = -834946.5 S0 = 22.1752 w = 150624 a1 = 2.050076 a2 = 589.5256 a3 = 18.43721 a4 = -118708.4 c1 = 107.6003 c2 = 109114.5 end SO2,aq EoS = 16 | Gf = -301164. SO2(0) Shock et al. (1989) with revised a1 predicted as a complex from delVn S2(.5)O2(1) G0 = -301164.3 S0 = 161.9208 w = -102968.2 a1 = 3.715161 a2 = 1745.137 a3 = 5.609803 a4 = -123487.8 c1 = 130.5824 c2 = 270197.4 end SO3-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -486599. SO3(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) revised with new predicted a1 for ions S2(.5)O2(1.5) G0 = -486599.2 S0 = -29.288 w = 1389506. q = -2 a1 = 2.858596 a2 = -2982.104 a3 = 16.68574 a4 = -103945.3 c1 = -32.78943 c2 = -775553.4 end SO4-2 EoS = 16 | Gf = -744459. SO4(-2) Shock & Helgeson (1988) S2(.5)O2(2) G0 = -744459.1 S0 = 18.828 w = 1316412. q = -2 a1 = 3.473306 a2 = -830.3566 a3 = -25.99184 a4 = -112842.5 c1 = 6.86176 c2 = -753036.3 end TOLUENE, EoS = 16 | Gf = 126608. C6H5CH3 Plyasunov & Shock (2001) with new a1 to a4 predicted with revised a1 consistent with Sverjensky et al. (2 C(7)H2(4) G0 = 126607.8 S0 = 184.096 w = -121336 a1 = 8.500539 a2 = 6301.292 a3 = -32.59312 a4 = -142322.9 c1 = 281.8995 c2 = 802018.4 end UREA,AQ EoS = 16 | Gf = -203844. CH4N2O Revised Feb. 2015 by Dimitri: c1, c2, and omega from PS01 based on Stokes (1967) data; V from Cabani et al. (1981) with a1-a4 pre C(1)H2(2)O2(1)N2(1) G0 = -203844.5 S0 = 176.9832 w = 33053.6 a1 = 4.22584 a2 = 2246.808 a3 = 1.393272 a4 = -125520 c1 = 128.4488 c2 = -184932.8 end