metabasalt example with oxide components + special components and allowing disproportionation. build in17a y overwrite dew17hp622ver_oxides.dat perplex_option.dat n transformation 2 gridded min n sat phase n sat comp n mob comp Na2O MgO Al2O3 K2O CaO TiO2 FeO SiO2 H2O CO2 n p/t dependent 2 T 643 1473 3e4 8e4 pressure range n use moles 0.328 1.623 1.497 0.058 2.258 0.138 1.370 7.490 1.460 0.659 0.0 y print y exclude n prompt O2 h2oL tan y solutions solution_model.dat COH-Fluid [fluid] T [talc] cAmph(G) [clinamphibole] Chl(W) [chlorite], Mica(CHA) [white mica], feldspar [ternary feldspar, a model for plagioclase and orthoclase] Omph(GHP) [a model for both C2/c and P2/n clinopyroxene] Do(HP) [dolomite] M(HP) [magnesite] melt(G) [melt] Gt(W) [garnet] title